Grave digging

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Melody POV

After dad was arrested, Marcel, mom, and I went to the sheriff station and went. We walked in Marcel, compelled the responist, and we walked in and tried to find dad.

I walked down with mom as Marcel handled the cops we walked around, and I found him.

"Dad," I said as mom and I ran to him as he got up to the bars as he came to us, and he grabbed our faces.

"I knew you come get me. I didn't think it would be this fast," he said as we giggled as he smiled at us.

"We won't leave you here," mom said as she unlocked the door.

"We need to get to the records," I said as we walked around, and I found the office. and we went through the filing cabinet, and I looked through the filles.

"Kol Mikaelson." I grabbed it, and then I saw something in next to his file.

"Garrett Gates" it was the person that dad killed. I grabbed it, and then it doned on me, I head heard about the Gates before, so I looked through the cabinet more and grabbed more off the Gates.

'Leanna Gates, Ray Gates, Laurel Gates,' and it goes on.

I grabbed them, and we ran back to the car, and we drove back to the school where Xavier, Enid, and Wednesday and her family looked worried, waiting for us.

"Why does it look like you saw someone die?" I asked as Xavier got up, and he handed me a ring.

"Enid Wednesday and I were waiting for you went thing said someone was coming and we hide we couldn't see who it was but someone went through your rooms, I don't think anything was taken, but they left the ring I don't think they meant to," he said as I looked at the ring on the banned was engraved latter's.

'L. G'

"Dad, who was Garrett Gates?" I asked as I saw Morticia's face change she looked, and I could feel her getting scared.

"He was a hunter, not just a vampire hunter he was a hunter of all the supernatural, he and his family," he said as I watched Morticia play with her hands.

"Morticia, you knew him?" I asked as she looked at me.

"Yes," she said quietly.

"He was running over to us, and he had a sword wanting to fight Gomez, but your father got in the way and killed him, he told us to go too our form and act like we were never there," she said as Wednesday looked at her.

I pulled out his file, and I saw the pictures of him his face was destroyed, and his heart was ripped out, and he had two punctured words on his neck.

"Dame dad, and you say never get on mom's bad side or piss her off," I said as I looked through his bqiopsy. "Something didn't add up."

'Suspect had a dark, purple/blue burn on his chest where his breast pockets were' it didn't add up, how could that have happened?

"Dad, vampire can Poison anything with a bite, right?" I asked as I knew that they couldn't do that.

"No? Why do you ask?" He asked as he walked over to me as I put the biopsy and everything else on the table from the file.

"Is say on his biopsy that he had a burn on his chest where his breast pockets were, but it doesn't add up," I said as everyone looked at it.

"I think I might know, but I would need to see the body," Wednesday said as I nodded with her.

"I know," I said as we looked at each other.

"Hey, Wednesday, do you might of I talk to you like right now," I said as we walked away so dad and Marcel couldn't hear us.

"We need to see the body," I said straight up.

"Then let's do it," she said.

"You want to dig up some random supernatural hunter grave with me?" I asked as she looked at me.

"I've always wanted to," she said as I smiled.

"OK, when Enid is asleep, come to my dorm, then we can go," I said as we walked back.

We tried to see if we could fund anything but to no avail, and we all went to bed, I knew everyone was asleep, and I heard Wednesday footsteps, and I grabbed my grimoire and walked out.

We met up. anywe walked out of the school and to the graveyard where we searched for Gtes tombstone.

We found it easier than we thought, and we started digging, and we talked, and somehow had fun, and went we got to the coffin. we opened it, and we looked through the skeleton.

I started choking almost as if I breathed in wolfbane, I got up, and I was on my knees choking as I got out of the grave, and I breathed.

"You ok?" Wednesday asked as I was breathing properly again.

"He was Poisoned," I said as I used my magic and bought the skeleton out and went to his breast pocket, and pulled out Nightshaed, poison.

"That's expands the dark purple/blue part on his and him acting like he was," I said as I looked at it.

"He was dying of Nightshard long before your dad got to him, and make sure to tell him I Applaud his work," she said as we looked at the Destroyed skull.

"I'll make sure to pass the massage," I said as I used my magic and put him back in the coffin and made it look like nothing happened tonight.

We walked back to Nevermore as we did, we heard something but couldn't make anything out of it. We looked into the woods.

"Do you think it could be the Hyde?" Wednesday asked as I shocked my head.

"I have no idea. Let's just get back to Nevermore," I said as we walked back and we snuck back onto teh school and we went out separate ways and I walked back into my dorm and I shower all the dirt off of me and I got changed and played in bed and fell asleep.

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