Preparation For The Poe Cup

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Melody POV

I am not particularly interested in doing this with others, so when I heard about the Poe Cup. I did participate until Enid and Xavier asked if I could help with the painting for the bouts, and that's all I did, really, and everyone asked if I could be on their team except Bianca and I know why be I'm a tribrid.

I was painting Enid bout and listened to music when I felt something. But it wasn't anyone from Nevermore or the town they weren't human.

I looked around until I saw Wednesday with Tyler. I think that's his name.

I took out my headphones. "You must be Melody. Wednesday has told me about you," he said. "Really, what did she say?" I asked.

"That you are just like her but will wear colors and is more like 'normal,'" he said.

"That can be true," I said, shaking his hands and seeing something, but I'd keep it to myself.

"You are painting that," he said, pointing to the bouts.

"Yeah, Nevermore has only two real real Wednesday in her own way of art," I said.

"Why are you too here anyways?" I asked. "We were in the woods," Wednesday said as I nodded, and I felt a warm feeling, and I saw Xavier walking our way.

"I need to get to work," Tyler said as he left, and Wednesday had to go fine. Enid and Xavier came to me.

"Something not right with him," I said to Xavier. "What do you mean?" He asked. "Tyler, I can feel people's presents. I've always been able to feel like I can feel Wednesday because she has a black Ora, but anyways Tyler he I can't explain it it's like he not human. I don't understand," I said, putting my hands on my head.

"And when I shook his hand, I saw something and felt something. I can't seem to get what I want," I said as Xavier hugged me.

"It's OK. I know you'll figure it out," he said, then looking at my painting on the bout. "Nicely done. How long have you been here painting?" He asked. "A few hours," I said.

"Would you like to help me?" He asked as I giggled and nodded.

We walked over to his bout, and we started to pain it when my da- uncle called me and I answered him.

"Hello, my little witch, how are you?" He asked. "I'm doing alright. I'm certainly painting Xavier bout with Xavier for the Poe Cup," I said as Xavier looked at me.

"Really, are you just going to paint, or are you going to participate in the game?" He asked as Xavier came in.

"She is just painting, not participating, and I know why everyone is asking for her because she is a tribrid, isn't it Mel?" He asked me as well, told Kol.

"Yea, that's one of the many reasons," I said. As I looked to the grass as Xavier came to me and hugged me.

"I figured I saw and heard everyone talking about asking you to be on their team," he said as Kol talked about how it was the same when he wanted there.

"Yea, little wolf, our last name brings fear and other things when it is brought up," he said. I looked atv.y watch and see that's lunch is about to start soon. Da- Kol lunch is about to start we have to go, I love you," I said. "I love you too little flower," he said, hanging up and me and Xavier and I walked back to the school.

I got my food and started walking to the library to eat and read when Xavier put his food down and came after me.

"Hey, where are you going?" He asked. "The library where no one will stare at me," I said, keeping my head down. "No, come eat with me and ine of my friends," he said as I looked at him. "Who?" I asked Ajax Petropolus,"  he said as I nodded, and he led me to we he sits. He put me next to him, and I did my best to my myself not awkward. "Xavier, do you know we're you are voluntaring at?" Ajax asked. "Yes, I'm at the coffee shop with Melody," he said as I looked down.

"Xavier, is she ok?" Ajax asked, and I spoke up. "Look around," I said as the boys looked around and saw everyone whispering and taking glances at me specifically.

"Xavier, I told you this would happen," I said, getting up and walking to the library. I made my way to the back, and I did my best to avoid crying.

I grabbed a book and went out to the woods, and I found a shead, and then it started to rain hard. So I ran to the shead and undes my magic to unlock the lock and walk in.

I felt the same warmth I feel when I'm around Xavier, and I knew his art anywhere is place is full of his art and his stuff.

I looked around and found Thing Wednesday helper hand. Literally, he is a hand of Wednesday ancestors. They can't find anything else of him.

"Thing, what are you doing here?" I asked, and apparently Wednesday sent him to spy on Xavier because she thinks that he is the Hyde.

"It's not him. I know it, and I would have known if it was him , he would be so different," I explained ora to the thing and how it's different for every person and how I met a Hyde before and they all feel the same be that are the same like sirens, Gordon, etc.

"Thanks, Thing, for listening to me," I said as we talked for hours. Until Xavier walked in, and he saw us, and he looked at us.

"Should I ask why you are in my studio with Thing?" He asked. "After lunch, I grabbed a book in the library and came out to the woods . It started to rain really hard, and I just went in here," I said, looking at him.

Then I walked around. I went to grab a sheet that's over an esal, but before I could, Xavier stopped me.

"No, not for you. I'm not done with it," he said as I went back to looking around, and I said a Hyde.

"Xavier, what's this?" I asked, pointing to it. "I'm not sure, but I see it in my dreams it like in my head when I sleep. I don't always see it like in the back of my head," he said.

Then Thing grabbed the sheet and forced it to the ground, and I went over it, and it was a full painting of  me with the some things not finished.

But is it me using my magic he put his hand out, and my eyes shift from my bright magic blue to my vampire them my tribrid eyes.

"I saw you shift into all of them, and I see how happy they make you feel, and I like seeing you happy," he said. "I'm sorry if you don't like it," he said, and I ran to hug him.

"I love it," I said, looking back at it. "Hey, do you mind doing ming helping me and my teams make up for our costumes?" He asked.

"What are you doing?" I asked. "We are Jokers, not Suicide Squad the 2019 Joker," he said.

"I think I can do that," I said. "Can we go back now?" I asked. "Hey, come on, let's go," he said as we walked back he took me to my dorm, and I showed and walked into my room and saw him drawing.

I got crawled onto my bed and put my head on his legs, and we laughed and talked.

"I should get back to my dorm-" he said, but I grabbed him. "Stay please," I said as he looked at me. "OK, move over," he said, getting in bed with me, and I fell asleep to him playing with  my hair.

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