Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

The room explodes into applause, Flynn cheering me on the loudest. I jump, completely forgetting that I was performing for my class. I was so focused on Alex, Reggie, and Luke.

I did it. I actually did it.

I blush, standing and gathering my music sheets before going to join Flynn back in our seats. As I'm walking over, my teacher stops me with a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm so proud of you," Mrs. Harrison says. "You did amazing."

I smile at her. "Thank you," I respond. "I really appreciate that."

I continue my walk over to Flynn, noticing that Carrie has nothing to say to me. Shockingly.

I smile as I sit down, and Flynn grabs my arm and starts shaking it out of excitement.

"Julie!" She exclaims quietly. "You were a fucking rockstar up there!"

I blush, looking down again.

"I'm so proud of you, girl," she continues.

"I can't take all the credit," I mumble. "The boys were here, too."

Flynn's eyes widen. "They were?" I nod. "How were they able to leave? Are they still here?"

I shrug. "I have no clue. But, no. They were gone when I finished singing," I sigh.

She gives me a contemplative look. "Do you think they can only leave when you're singing?"

"That's a possibility," I reply.

I sit back and think about it. It would make sense if they couldn't leave without me performing. They would've gone all this time and haven't tried to contact me once, and I can't allow myself for that to be the case. Either way, they deliberately didn't try to reach out to me, or I was too much of a little bitch to sing for them to be able to. Both thoughts cause me distress.

My teacher tells us what's coming up for the following weeks, and then wraps up the class right in time for the bell to ring, signaling the end of this class period.

Flynn and I make sure we have our stuff before leaving the classroom.

"I have to use the bathroom," I tell her. "I'll meet you in the cafeteria?"

She nods, squeezing my arm before making her way to lunch.

I quickly empty my stuff in my locker before finding the closest restroom. As I enter, I come face-to-face with a smiling Reggie.

"Ah!" I scream, jumping backward as my hand flies to my chest. "Reggie! You scared me!"

He winces, "Sorry." But wraps me up in a huge hug, anyway. "You were amazing! I'm so proud of you, Julie."

He puts me back down. "Thank you," I smile at him. "You don't know what it means to me that you guys were here. Where are Luke and Alex?"

"They had to go back," Reggie says. "Willie popped by saying Caleb was looking for them."

I start getting worried, hoping they didn't get into trouble. "How are you even here right now? I thought you wouldn't be able to leave."

"We can go anywhere," he explains, shrugging. "We're not physically tied down to the place unless it's a performance night. That's how Alex was able to meet Willie. However, Caleb got kinda strict the last few years. We barely leave anymore, so we always make sure at least one of the four of us stays back to distract him or can tell us if he's looking for one of us."

I glower at him, crossing my arms over my chest. "Then why haven't you come to see me if you could leave?"

"We didn't want you knowing." I glare at him, and he winces again. "Blame Luke! He's so protective of you, he didn't want you anywhere near that place. We were shocked when we saw you there on Saturday night. You saw us! Luke almost beat Willie to a pulp after he learned he sent Flynn the invitation."

His Saving Grace (Julie x Luke) ~ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now