Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Caleb tilts his head at me. "Did you really think I wouldn't find out about your little plan?"

I don't respond. I just stare at him, not knowing what to do.

All of a sudden he waves his fingers, and I'm unable to move or speak. It's like I've lost all control of my limbs and my voice.

He pockets his jewel and walks over to me. He clicks his tongue at me, rubbing a finger along my jaw as he says, "What a shame, too. We could've been great friends."

I want to flinch and move away in disgust, but I can't.

He bends over and picks me up, throwing me over his shoulder as he walks out of the room. I try as hard as I can to hit him, smack him, or even just yell, but whatever magical hold he has on me is strong.

He leads me down the hallway and Alex is nowhere to be found.

Shit. What did he do to Alex? Or Luke and Reggie? Did he realize Willie was working with us, too?

He makes his way down the stairs and down the hallway where the boys' dressing room is, but he passes the room and leads us down another set of stairs and into some sort of unfinished basement.

"Hey!" I hear Luke yell. "Put her down! Don't touch her!"

I try to force myself to look up, but I still am unable to move.

"As you wish," Caleb responds, and I'm dropped roughly off his shoulder.

I let out a groan as I hit the ground, but I start to feel motion enter my limbs again so I sit up to take stock of the situation.

We are in a basement. It's dark and damp, except for the huge fireplace in the wall to the right, brightly lit and making the room sweltering. Luke, Reggie, and Alex are all strapped to wooden chairs in a semi-circle in the center of the room, and all of them are struggling to free themselves except for Alex, who is knocked out cold.

"Thank you, Olivia," Caleb says, and I turn to see a woman standing by his side. "You've been wonderful. Go enjoy the party."

She smiles and bows at him before making her way back upstairs.

I slowly stand up, the feelings in my body not completely back yet, and I try to make my way over to Luke.

"Are you guys okay?" I ask once I reach his side.

He gives me a weak smile. "We're okay." His smile drops. "Do whatever you need to get out of here. Leave us."

"No!" I yell. "I told you already, I'm never leaving you again."

I reach to try to free him from the bindings holding him in place, but before I'm able to touch them Caleb interrupts, "I wouldn't do that if I were you." I turn to glare at them. "They're a special rope I designed. Suppresses the power of ghosts, but excruciatingly painful to lifers."

"Don't risk it," Luke tells me. "He's telling the truth."

I swallow, and I walk over to Alex instead.

I gently rub the side of his head and whisper his name. "Alex, please. Wake up."

"I think Olivia just smacked him pretty hard," Reggie tells me. "He should be okay."

I hear Alex groan, starting to wake up, but before I can check if he's okay I'm being dragged back by Caleb.

"Get your fucking hands off her!" Luke yells, struggling to break free from his bindings.

"Such hostility," Caleb mocks, pulling me tighter against him.

"How did you even find out?" Reggie asks.

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