Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

"Are you ready for tonight?"

I take a nervous breath. "I have to be," I respond to Flynn as she continues to braid my hair in my bedroom.

She's braiding two French braids into my hair, and as she finishes the first one and starts the second she says, "Hey. If things go wrong, at least you won't die a virgin."

I chuckle, and she tilts my head backward.

Luke and I cuddled and talked in the loft for about an hour after we had sex, but he couldn't be gone too much longer because they had a show late last night. Today, Flynn came over to help me get ready for our - or should I say my - heist tonight, and I told her the news.

To say she freaked out was an understatement.

"Stop moving your head!" She chastises me. "You keep messing me up."

"Sorry, sorry."

After Flynn finishes braiding my hair, she hands me a pair of black leggings, a black sweatshirt, and black combat boots.

"Seriously?" I ask, taking the clothes in my hands.

"What?" She exclaims. "You have to look the part at least."

I shake my head at her and laugh quietly, changing into the clothes she gave me.

I turn to look at myself in the mirror, and when I see myself in my black getup, it hits me what I'm about to do. I would've dreamed of this moment three years ago when I first learned of the situation they were put in. They had to decide between crossing over or playing in Caleb's house band for eternity, and none of the options kept them in my life.

They ultimately decided they wanted to try to cross over, and even though we didn't succeed I still thought them to be gone for three years. I tried to keep performing to keep their legacy alive, but getting forcefully separated from them, just like my mom, broke me again.

If we had known there was a way to defeat Caleb and keep them in my life three years ago, we wouldn't be in the situation we are now and I wouldn't have had to be without them all this time. But we didn't, and I was, but now it's time to save them once and for all.

"So," Flynn starts, interrupting my train of thought. "What's the plan, again?"

I turn around to face her. "There's another show tonight," I start explaining, moving to sit down next to her on the bed. "According to Willie, he always showers at the Hollywood Ghost Club directly after his performance. He likes to freshen up before interacting with the guests. The only time Caleb isn't with Willie on performance nights is when Caleb's actually performing, so during the show, Willie is going to sneak me in and I'm going to hide out in the boys' dressing room. Once the show is over, I'm going to sneak into Caleb's dressing room while he's showering to steal the relic and destroy it."

"Wow," Flynn says. "Do you know how to destroy it?"

"Alex learned that burning it should do the trick," I answer. "But if that doesn't work, I have no idea."

"Like with fire?"


Flynn wraps me up in a tight hug. "Good luck. And please be careful."

I nod against her shoulder. "I will be."


I'm crouched down behind a dumpster in the alleyway at the back of the Hollywood Ghost Club, waiting for Willie to let me inside.

This is it. It's really happening.

I've been waiting for this day since I learned they were still here, and now that it's here I'm scared shitless. We have a solid plan, and I really think it could work, but if it doesn't then I don't know what I'm going to do with myself.

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