Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"We have our first gig this weekend," I tell my dad and brother at dinner.

"That's great!" My dad exclaims. "Where?"

"The school dance."

Carlos looks over at me, pondering. "Wasn't there another time you were going to perform at a school dance?" He asks.

I clear my throat awkwardly. "Yeah. It didn't work out, though. So we're excited to get another chance."

My dad smiles. "That's great, mija." He takes a bite of his food.

"So," I start, dragging out the word. "Does that mean we can finally talk about college?"

My dad levels me with a hard stare. "Come see me after the performance."

I take a bite of my food to hide my smile.

After we finish eating, I let my dad know that the guys are "coming over", and I head outside to the studio.

It's empty.

"Hello?" I yell, slowly walking inside, confused as to where they could be.

"We're up here!" I hear Luke yell, and I look up to see his face peek out under the railing of the loft. "Hi," he says, smiling at me.

I let out a laugh. "What are you guys doing?"

"Come up and find out!" I hear Alex yell.

Luke smirks at me and gestures his head to come up to the loft. I shake my head at them and start up the ladder, and I find the four of them lying together watching a movie on the new TV we just put up here.

"You guys are so fake," I tell them, scootching in between Luke and Reggie. "How dare you cuddle without me!"

"I told them to wait for you, but they wouldn't listen," Willie chimes in, and I smile at him.

"Thank you, Willie."

Luke lets out a sigh, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

I settle in to finish the movie with them, and once it's over, Willie and Alex leave to "go on a walk".

Yeah, right.

Luke, Reggie, and I stay up in the loft, but we sit in a circle to play a game of cards.

"You guys ever heard of Bullshit?" I ask, dealing out the deck of cards.

"Like, actual shit from a bull?" Reggie asks, a disgusted look forming on his face.

I laugh. "No! It's a card game."

"Oh," he replies. "Then, no."

"Me neither," Luke adds.

I explain the rules of the game, and we play a few rounds.

I win every match.

"You're cheating!" Luke announces, throwing his cards down in frustration.

"I'm done playing this stupid game!" Reggie adds, copying Luke's movements.

I burst out laughing, gathering up the cards as Luke and Reggie pout.

"Reggie," I ask. "Did you ever go to get your license?"

"We're going tomorrow," he answers.

"You excited for the gig this weekend?" Luke asks, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"As long as you all show up," I tease, giving them each a pointed look.

They wince.

We stay up in the loft for a bit longer, just chatting about random stuff. Reggie goes down to use the bathroom, and I turn to Luke and say, "I think we should tell my dad about us tonight."

His Saving Grace (Julie x Luke) ~ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now