Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I sit on the couch in the studio, my notebook in my lap, waiting to see if Luke will arrive. I drum my fingers on my notebook, reaching over to grab my phone off the coffee table to check the time.


I'm not waiting any later than ten o'clock.

I blow out a breath, deciding to scroll on tiktok to pass the time and distract my mind from the fact that I'm possibly telling Luke how I feel about him.

It took me a while to sort through my feelings once I learned the boys were still here. While I will always have feelings for Luke, for the past three years I thought I would never see him again. Their randomly being back in my life brought back feelings I thought I buried, and now that I see him regularly again it feels like nothing has changed. We picked back up like no time has passed, and I'm grateful for that.

But it's time he learned the truth.

"Hey," I hear, and I quietly gasp, looking up to see Luke standing in the studio. I didn't even hear him poof in.

I clear my throat. "Hi," I respond. "Thanks for coming."

"Of course," he says, moving to sit in the armchair closest to where I'm sitting on the couch. "Anything for you, Julie. You know that."

I blush, smiling at him. "How has your week been?" I ask.

He shrugs, "Fine. We're still trying to figure out how to steal and destroy the relic, but we had a few shows and they went well."

I nod. "That's good."

"And yours?" he asks, leaning back against the chair and propping his foot up on the coffee table.

I let out a sigh. "It's been okay. I finally told my dad and Flynn about college."

His eyes widen slightly. "How did it go?"

"It went great with Flynn," I answer. "She was more upset over the fact that I thought I couldn't tell her, but she's supportive of any decision I make."

"See," he replies, smiling. "I told you everything would work out."

I scoff. "I haven't told you about the conversation with my dad yet." He looks at me expectantly, gesturing for me to continue talking before crossing his arms over his chest. "It wasn't bad, necessarily, but I didn't get the perfect outcome I was hoping for. He basically says it's all riding on if our band is able to start performing again. I guess he wasn't completely against the idea, but he wants me to have something stable lined up before dismissing college completely, which I don't disagree with him on."

He nods his head slowly. "Yeah, that makes sense. It could've gone worse, though."

"Yeah. I definitely could've used one of your pep talks before talking to him." I give him a small smile.

He looks down at his lap, not reacting at all.

I take a breath. "Which brings me to what I wanted to talk to you about."

He sits up, placing both feet firmly back onto the ground, and leans his elbows against his knees, clasping his hands in front of him. He meets my eyes, looking at me expectantly, almost like he's bracing himself for the worst.

I clear my throat, flipping through my notebook until I find Perfect Harmony. I silently hand him the notebook, and he takes it to read through it again.

"What did you think when you found this song?" I ask. I lean forward, hugging my elbows.

He takes a moment to respond, an unreadable expression on his face as he flips through the song. "Confused. Disappointed. Worried." He looks up and meets my eyes. "Jealous."

His Saving Grace (Julie x Luke) ~ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now