Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

They're alive. They're really alive.

After they ate their granola bars, their stomachs ended up hurting pretty badly because their bodies weren't used to food being in their system, and they all took turns using the bathroom, which is something they never did as ghosts. So, yeah. They're definitely alive now.

The boys ended up sleeping in the studio last night. I didn't know how I was going to explain to my dad that the boys came here without any place to live, so he just thinks they went "home" after hanging out with me. Until one of them gets their license and a car, they're stuck secretly living in the studio.

I just have to pray my dad never goes into the studio without me.

In the middle of the night, Luke, Reggie, and Alex must've snuck into my room through the window last night, because I wake up this morning with all three of them in my bed with me.

I'm snuggled up with Luke, his arm and leg wrapped tightly around my body as I rest my head on his chest. Alex is sleeping soundly on my other side, and Reggie is snoring away on the other side of Luke.

"You guys really need to start remembering the boundaries I set when we first met," is the first thing I say to them.

Luke smirks down at me, already awake. Alex groans and turns over so his back is to me, and Reggie startles awake, looking around the room to see what disturbed his sleep.

"What?" He mumbles, rubbing his eyes. "What happened?"

I let out a light chuckle as I roll onto my back. "The studio wasn't good enough for you guys?" I ask. "And where's Willie?"

"Alex and I caught Luke sneaking out," Reggie starts to explain, now sitting up against the headboard. He shrugs. "So we decided to join him. We haven't had a sleepover before!"

I meet Luke's eyes, and he winks at me. "I came to spend some quality time with my girlfriend," he says. "But you two assholes ruined it."

Alex turns onto his back. "Yeah, well, we want to spend time with Julie, too."

My heart melts, and I give Alex a smile.

"Next time, ask before you sneak into my room and we can have a proper sleepover," I say.

Not you, I mouth to Luke, and he smirks down at me, leaning over to press a kiss to my cheek.

Reggie cheers, and we all shush him before he wakes up my family.

"Oops," he whispers, wincing. "Sorry."

I kick the boys out of my room, needing to get ready for school. I make sure they safely and quietly make it out of my window and back inside the studio before getting ready for the day.

Once I'm dressed, I head downstairs to eat a quick breakfast with my dad and my brother. Carlos is quiet and will barely look at me, so I know I need to have a conversation with him later today.

I think, somehow, he figured out they were ghosts, and he's now flipping the fuck out over the fact that they're alive and he can now see them.

That's going to be a fun conversation.

After breakfast, I say goodbye to them and make my way out to the studio to talk to the guys.

"Okay," I say as I walk into the studio. I cross my arms over my chest. "We need to set some ground rules."

All four of them are sitting on the ground surrounding the coffee table, playing Uno. They look up at me as I walk in.

"First, no more playing Uno without me!"

His Saving Grace (Julie x Luke) ~ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now