Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"Did you finish editing the film?" I ask Flynn at lunch the next day.

She takes a bite of her salad, shaking her head no. "Not yet. I'm almost done, though."

I nod my head, taking a bite of my sandwich.

"How was the rest of your night?" She asks.

"Um," I start, clearing my throat. "Luke stopped by."

Flynn's head whips in my direction. She drops her fork, tightly gripping my arm in her hand. "Tell. Me. Everything!"

I can't help but laugh, an involuntary blush forming on my cheeks. I look down at my food, picking off pieces of the sandwich.

As I'm about to respond, a piece of paper appears on the table between us.

Flynn and I look at each other, our eyes going wide. I quickly grab the folded piece of paper, and it's a note. I immediately recognize Luke's shitty handwriting.


Be in the studio tonight at 7. We learned more info.

-L, A, R

I have no words, so I just silently hand Flynn the note.

"Do you think it's about the relic?" She asks in a whisper.

"Hopefully," I whisper back.

Flynn shakes her head, throwing the note aside. "Enough about this, tell me about last night!"

I shrug, smiling again. "We talked for a while about life and shit. Got caught up on some things we missed," I deliberately leave out the part about college. "And then, uh..."

She narrows her eyes at me. "What happened?"

I try and fail to stop a blush from appearing. "We fell asleep. In my bed."

"You fucking bitch!" She yells, slapping me on the shoulder. "Why didn't you tell me as soon as this happened? Ugh!" She crosses her arms over her chest.

I roll my eyes at her, knowing she's mostly joking. "You and I both know this needed to be a conversation to have in person."

She looks at me, thinking it over in her head. "You're right. Holy shit! Girl, give me all the details. I need positions," she starts listing things off on her fingers, "clothing descriptions, how this came about. Everything!"

I scratch my head, taking another bite of my sandwich. Once I finish chewing, I say, "Well, I told him I was going to bed, so before I went to use the bathroom I asked if he could stay."

Flynn squeals and I can't help but follow suit.

"So, when I walk back into my room he's in a pair of sweatpants," I pause. "Shirtless." Flynn fans herself with her hand. "I was just in shorts and a t-shirt, which he noticed was his shirt, by the way. And he told me I looked better in it than he does."

"Julie, you're killing me."

"And then we just laid down," I continue. "We scrolled on my phone for a bit and then we must've fallen asleep."

Flynn gives me a look like she's expecting more from me.

"What?" I ask.

"What positions? This is the most important information!"

I laugh. "I was on my back and he was lying across my chest," I admit. "That's how we woke up. Well, Alex woke us up. He came looking for Luke."

Flynn takes my hand. "He's in love with you."

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