Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I walk into history class, heading in the direction of my usual seat when I look up to find Reggie already occupying it.

He smiles as I walk towards him, waving enthusiastically. "Hi, Julie!"

I smile at him, not saying anything back. Instead, I grip him tightly by the arm and throw him out of my seat.

"Hey!" He yells, falling to the ground. He quickly stands up and dusts himself off before turning to face me. "That was mean!"

I sit down, shaking my head at him. I take out my notebook to write him a note and he bends over to read it.

This is my seat. It'll be weird if I'm sitting somewhere else.

"Right," he drags out the word, nodding his head. "Makes sense."

I write him another note.

What's up?

"Oh! I love history class! I just wanted to sit in on the lesson." He smiles at me again.

I give him a dry look.

"You don't believe me?" He asks, pouting.

Not fully, I write.

He sighs, "Fine. I came to tell you to be in the studio after school," he winks at me. "We're gonna try and form a plan for stealing the relic."

I nod my head, giving him a thumbs up.

My teacher walks in to start the lesson, and Reggie sits down on the ground next to me to listen.

I silently laugh, patting him on the top of the head.

After history class finishes, I say goodbye to Reggie and meet Flynn in music class.

"We need to talk," I immediately tell her.

Her eyes widen. "Are you okay?" She asks.

I nod. "Let's just say there's been some, uh, developments with Luke."

She grips my arm hard. "Shut the fuck up! Tell me now!"

I shake my head. "Lunch."

She throws her head back and groans. "You shouldn't have said anything until after class! Now that's all I'm going to be thinking about!"

I laugh at her. "Trust me," I say. "This is a conversation you're going to be glad I told you about not during class time."

We finish up class and head to lunch, sitting at our usual table.

"Girl, spill," Flynn says the second we sit down.

"Okay, okay," I reply, clearing my throat. "I guess I should start off by saying that I have a boyfriend."

Flynn's eyes widen, and she screams.

"Sh!" I yell, covering her mouth with my hand. I turn around and see people at nearby tables looking at us, so I smile sheepishly at them and then turn back to look at Flynn.

"You fucking bitch!" She slaps me on the arm. "Why didn't you tell me the second it happened?!"

"Because he fucking fingered me and then we fell asleep," I whisper-yell at her.

Her jaw drops, and then a smile slowly forms on her face. "Oh my god. Okay, yeah, you're forgiven."

I roll my eyes at her.

"Well?" She asks, exasperated. "How was it?"

"Let me just say, Flynn, that I've never felt anything better in my entire life."

His Saving Grace (Julie x Luke) ~ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now