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   THE BREEZE brushed against the girl's skin. (Y/N)'s eyes followed the birds that flew effortlessly along the wind, free and careless. Shaking her head from irrelevant thoughts, she shifted her gaze from the sky to the woman before her, the face of the Liyue Qixing: Lady Ningguang.

   Lady Ningguang was someone she was indebted to. Someone she could not pay even with her life. For she was the one who saved her from hell - the one who aided in her escape. (Y/N) is someone who would obey her every word and follow her every step.

    To her, Ningguang was a savior. Although she knew no amount could pay her debt to the Liyuen woman, Ningguang asked for something else aside from mora: service and loyalty.

   From a distance, Ningguang smiled at the girl, who was standing in front of a few Millelith soldiers.

   The group then lowered their heads before the woman, "General (Y/N). It's nice to know that you'll be joining us once again in this year's Rite of Descension." She flashed a gentle smile.

   "Of course, My Lady. This is an event that the citizens of Liyue hold dear, after all. We would love to take part in it, and especially accompany you ourselves." She replied,

   "No need to be so formal now, dear. Well, shall we get going?"


   The two powerful figures of the city were walking in the streets of Liyue - of course, people's eyes were all over them. Whispers left and right, praises here and there. To be walking along side the Lady Ningguang alone was a valid reason to be holding one's head high.

   The gate of Yujing Terrace was already in sight. It got bigger as the two slowly approached the place. And after a few minutes, the citizens of Liyue have already been waiting—prepared for the Rite of Descencion.

   The Rite of Descencion was something (Y/N) still held dear. It is one of the things that strengthens the devotion and loyalty the citizens holds for the God of Rock; Rex Lapis. This has been one of the few things that she looks forward to, aside from Ningguang's birthday.

   As Ningguang stepped on the stairs, the crowd immediately made way for the her with a single click of her heel. As Ningguang, Keqing, and her three secretaries stepped in the middle of the crowd, (Y/N) stayed behind to maintain order among the citizens and to observe as well.

   The crowd as well as the soldier herself eagerly awaited for the God. Excitement coursed through their veins in the thought of being blessed with such an honorable presence.

   A brief moment of silence occured.

   No one could have guessed what happened next. A corpse—a dragon's corpse—had dropped in the speed of light. It collapsed and crushed the stalls underneath, broke the vases and everything else in its path. Ningguang herself was taken aback at the sight of Rex Lapis' body before her before kneeling.

   She extended her hand as she observed his body and every one else awaited for her response. But when Ningguang's eyes widened, it was like (Y/N) immediately knew.

   "Rex Lapis has been assassinated! Seal all exits!" The woman declared, swinging her hand as she ordered the millelith.

   (Y/N) immediately rushed to the possible exits the assassin may have taken. Her eyes were wide as mixed emotions engulfed her. She could feel her heart nearly jump out of her ribcage with the way it was beating. What was she feeling? Was it sorrow? was it disappointment? Or perhaps... it was... anger? She brushed these thoughts out of her head as she sprinted.

   As she passed a few guards, she yelled. "Rex Lapis has been assassinated! Guard all exits this instant! Do not let anyone through, thats an order! Capture anyone suspicious!"

   Although slightly taken aback, the soldiers immediately caught a wind of the situation before uttering a short "Yes, ma'am!"

   After a few minutes of wandering around, the girl ran out of stamina. She then caught her breath as beads of sweat rolled down her chin. As she panted, her eyes observed her surroundings.

   (Y/N) groaned in frustration as she saw no one around. In disappointment, she turned around only to catch a blonde in her peripheral, and a silver headed thing. "Hey, you two-" (Y/N) pointed her finger at the two. Her eyes analyzed the golden blonde. She sensed... unbound potential—but that was about it.

   The strangers only glanced at each other before shrieking, then running to their escape.

   (Y/N) furrowed her brows in confusion before summoning her blade. Why would they run away if they hadn't done anything wrong? She wasted no time in walking down the stairs and instead, leaped down to catch up with the two main suspects.

   The blonde and her floating companion was far, yet still in sight. (Y/N) then grabbed a hydro potion from her waist bag before throwing it towards the two. The blonde yelped as the liquid made contact with her legs, yet (un)fortunately for her accomplice, there was not a single drop in her. The girl was floating, after all.

   A few Milleliths greeted the two run-away's at the other side, only to be taken down by the blonde as rocks emerged from the ground. (Y/N) did not see a vision, yet she could wield the element nonetheless?

    What a peculiar individual, she noted. Perhaps she was dealing someone not so ordinary.

   The sword she held then glowed an icy-blue hue as she summoned the element - ready to send it flying to apply Cryo to the runaway blonde's legs to freeze her right then and there. She then raised her blade—closing one eye as she focused on aiming it towards the girl. After a second or two, she sword was sent flying.

   In her mind, she was already preparing for interrogating the two suspicious figures. As the blonde suspect looked back, she could only hold her breath at the sight of a glowing blade on its way towards her.

   "Hey girly,"

   Only for her blade to fall to the ground as a lost arrow made contact with it, piercing it to the ground.

   (Y/N)'s brows crashed in frustration as an unwanted party joined.

   "Well, now, (Y/N). Are you sure that was just an attempt to freeze her on the spot or were you already trying to kill her?" The ginger chuckled, holding his bow.

   "Wait, so that was the purpose of throwing water at you?!" The silver headed accomplice whisper-shouted.

   (Y/N) rolled her eyes as she let out a sigh, it was more of a tired one than annoyed, "So you two are with the Fatui."

   "W-What?!" The floating girl exclaimed, "W-We would never join the-!"

"Paimon! Shh!"

   "Stop getting in my way." The girl glared at the ginger before assuming a fighting stance.

   Childe smiled before placing his weapon away, "Ah. Now, this is a perfect opportunity to spar with you, however, I'm in the middle of a mission." He let out a chuckle before immediately picking up (Y/N)'s blade from the ground, "I'll be keeping this in the meantime!" He winked befor bgrabbing the arm of the blonde girl, pulling her away somewhere to hide.

   (Y/N) grit her teeth at the sight of the three criminals. Her gaze then fell from the Fatui Harbinger, to the two accomplices - sending them a glare that sent chills down their spine. "Don't think you can get away, Fatui scums. The next time we meet, I'll shred you three to pieces."

   "But-! But-!!! Miss, you've got it all wr-"

   "Paimon, please just be quiet and keep running!"

   (Y/N) sighed. It was no use to keep running after them, especially now that she knows they were Fatui. A speculation she made was that they would be going to the Northland Bank. At least now, she knows that it was the Fatui's doing. The only thing she could do for now was report back to the Liyue Qixing.

   A blonde young lady, her floating accomplice, and a Fatui Harbinger. (Y/N) could already see the busy week she'll be having.

𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐃'𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐄, childe Where stories live. Discover now