( TRES. )

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   (Y/N)'S GAZE narrowed as she sat on the edge of the cliff that towered upon Liyue Harbor. Everything could be seen from up above, where people walking seemed like little ants.

   She was sure that Childe would reveal himself when he wants to, yet she didn't want him to have things go his way. She was rather impatient, as well.

   A breath escaped her lips before running her fingers through her hair, 'If I want to catch Aj—Childe. If I... want to catch Childe, going after his diplomats would be the fastest route. Not all Fatui Diplomats would have direct involvement with whatever they're planning, though... How would I know which Diplomat to catch?' She paused, 'The blonde girl with her floating companion... Childe saved them. Perhaps they have some type of information about his whereabouts...'


   The girl ascends the rugged mountain path, her footsteps slow and deliberate. The air is thin and crisp, carrying with it the familiar scent of trees, signaling that she was somewhat near her destination.

   Her gaze was focused on the path in front of her, until she heard ruffling noises. As she shifted her gaze, her eyes meet golden ones. Standing mere meters away, was the blonde Traveller. Their eyes lock in a silent exchange, tension crackling in the air between them like static electricity.

   "The Fatui Diplomat shows themselves. You were the one who attacked my troops, along with your Master, were you not?" the girl's hand instinctively tightens around the hilt of her sword.

   The Traveller assumed a fighting stance yet makes no move to pull out her sword, but the threat hangs heavy in the air.

   "Why do you dare venture deep in Jueyun Karst? Turn back, right this instant." (Y/N) spoke, her gaze narrow.

   "Okay, miss! We're not here to cause violence!" The platinum blonde spoke, her hands waving up in the air, "You've got wrong! All wrong! We're not Fatui Diplomats! We do not, in any way, have a special relationship with that organization. Promise!"

   (Y/N) tilted her head, "You're not... with Childe?"

   The blonde could only nod, "We aren't."

   "I... see. But, well, that's gonna be a little hard to believe. However, I have heard about the blonde in Mondstadt." The girl loosened her grip on the hilt of her sword before standing with her hand on her hip.

   "We didn't have anything to do with Rex Lapis' death!"

   "I suppose I saw that. There's no way Rex Lapis would lose to you nor the Fatui."

   The floating girl's eyes glistened in hope, clasping her hands together. "So, we're not suspects anymore... right? We won't be arrested... right?"

   "Blondie here assaulted the Millelith." The (H/C) headed girl looked at the traveller, who let out an exasperated sigh. "If you hadn't ran and made a total fool of yourselves, maybe the Millelith wouldn't have ran after you."

   "We couldn't afford getting stuck there, okay?!"

   "Sure... Now, what's your business here in Jueyun Karst? Moon Carver won't take trespassing lightly." She crossed her arms, analyzing the two up and down.

   The platinum blonde flipped her hair confidently, "Oh, I'm sure that we're quite welcome here! Traveller, show her our sigil!"

   The blonde then reached for something, and as she pulled it out, a Sigil of Permission was laying on her palms.

𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐃'𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐄, childe Where stories live. Discover now