( CINCO. )

389 27 2

[ 8 years before ]

"AJAX! HURRY! The boars won't catch themselves, you know!" With every word that came out of her mouth, her breath that came with it would be visible due to the winter cold as she waved her hand excitedly.

"It's so early for this, (Y/N)..." The ginger spoke grogily, his fingers slightly rubbing his eyelids. He says things that indicate his disagreement, yet his actions contradict his statements. No matter how much he seemed to disagree, he would end up doing it anyway while disagreeing.

"That won't do. No, not at all!" (Y/N) placed her palms on each of the boy's cheeks, waking him up with the coldness of her hands. Before he could even react, his hands were ultimately pulled away, then his body followed.

"Slow down, I'm going to trip!"

"They might escape!" With every word she exhales, her breath would become visible due to the freezing weather. No Snezhnayan has never embraced the cold, however. This was nothing but a custom. (Y/N) comes to a halt, the boy behind her accidentally bumping against her back due to the sudden stop.

"Why'd you suddenl-"

(Y/N) quickly covers his mouth, her eyes scanning the area before walking forward. This time, with caution. She slowly tiptoes towards a bolder five times wider than her. She then takes a peek on what lies beyond the other side of the rock. And as you know it, it was no more than their goal.

"Three on the left, two on the right. and four on the front." She whispers, turning towards Ajax.

The ginger let out an exhausted sigh. Yet no matter how much he seemed to get tired, he never seemed to be able to refuse her especially when she had such a genuine look on her face.

"Hey, (Y/N)... you never seem to get tired of hunting. Say, is this... a hobby of yours that you're passionate about?" He questioned, tilting his head.

"O-Oh, what?" the girl stuttered, what was she supposed to say to that? Nothing about hunting made a single cell of her body happy. Anything could relatively get a smile out her face if it meant she could put a meal on the table for both her and her mother. It surely was not because it was hunting. It was because it was food. (Y/N) gulped before continuing to speak, "My family... ah, eh, we... I come from a family of hunters! So... I... It's only natural that I hunt, too!" It was nothing a small lie couldn't fix.

Ajax's eyes lit up, "Wait, really?! That's amazing!"

"Sure it is... Well, we better get moving. They might escape." She swiftly changed the topic before pulling out her dagger from her boot, "What are you gonna use today?"

He confidently tapped the hilt of his trusty sword with a confident smile, "My blade, of course!"

"Great, great! Well, let's give those boars a proper send off, hm?" she whispers, reaching inside her sling bag. Her bag seemed to be made of scraps of cloth that were sown together by... rather promising sewing skills. Though it was definitely unique, there was no place she didn't carry it to. The girl then pulled out a potion-like bottle from the inside, which contained green liquid with a slightly sticky consistency. As she removes the lid, the two hold their breath due to it's sharp scent as they smear the liquid around the tip of their blades. It was poison that was crafted to kill animals instantly as soon as it touches it's insides or flesh.

"You ready?" The ginger questioned, to which he earned a nod from the girl.

"You go that way," (Y/N) pointed at the boars on the left, "And I go this way." She points at the right, "Now let's go. Be stealthy and don't scare them away, okay?"

𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐃'𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐄, childe Where stories live. Discover now