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    THE GENERAL clenched her fists in frustration before slamming them onto the wooden frame of her bed, her breathing growing heavier with each second. Every beat of her heart was a reminder of every second that passed that she failed to locate the very object she was looking for. She gulped — her fingers trembling at the sight.

    It was here.

    It was here!

    She was now staring on the empty spot under her pillow with her lantern at hand, analyzing the hollow spot where the outline of it was placed.

    I know I wrapped it in cloth last night.

    So where is it?

    Her head ached from thinking of all the possible spots she could have misplaced it to, however, none came to mind. Was it her drowsiness? Was she extremely deprived in sleep or exhausted herself to the point of losing memory of the events about the previous night? But it couldn't be. She had only been placing it on one spot — and that was under her pillow, covered in cloth.

    The floor creaked.

    (Y/N) immediately turned, her fists ready to—

    "Are you looking for this?"

    The area was dark, with the only source of illumination coming from the lantern she held right at her very palms. But even a pitch black room, she would recognize that voice anywhere. Anywhere.

    The Harbinger stood infront of her, gazing down on her with those ocean blue eyes as he held in his hand the very same thing she had been rummaging around for — her rifle.

    Her eyes widened.

    Her breath hitched.

    And for a moment, she couldn't speak.

    "...Let me explain. You see... wait — wait, wait, wait! Don't — What are you doing?! Don't! I'll explai- Hey! Listen! Are you even — Hey!"

    "Let go of me right this instant!" The General yelled, struggling against the restraints put around her to hold her wrists and legs together as she wriggled around against its hold. Due to her resistance, the ropes rubbed against her skin, causing her it to redden and sting due to the friction of her constant struggle.

    "What were you thinking? You regained your ability to walk, and this is how you use it?" Childe crossed his arms as he shook his head disapprovingly.

    "Let me go!"


    "I'm going to kill you!"

𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐃'𝐄𝐓𝐑𝐄, childe Where stories live. Discover now