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Blood. Lots of blood. Mom, Dad, Jeremy. Lying lifeless on the ground. Their lifeless eyes stare at me and their screams echo around me.

I woke up with a start, my heart beating fast and my body covered in sweat. I looked around and saw that it was just another nightmare of the day my life changed. The room was dark but I could see the light peeking in from behind the curtains. Every time we get closer to the anniversary of my family's death the nightmares come back. Getting a good night's rest is almost impossible these days. I got out of bed and walked out to the living room. As usual, Drew was fast asleep on the couch. I picked up a pillow from the floor and threw it at him. He jumped awake in a scare.

"What the hell Sel?!" Drew yelled.

"Good Morning to you too D. It's time to get up. I want to get this meeting and ball over with so we can return home. We still have a few more hours drive to go." I answered. "And watch your tone. I am your Luna after all," I added.

"Yes you are my Luna and I am your beta but I am still older than you by a few hours. We don't use these formalities when it's just us." Drew said annoyed.

"True" I replied with a shrug. "But bossing you around is pretty fun. This is the only fun I get these days,"

"Well, that is your fault. You don't have to be so stone cold all the time," he added.

"Yes, I do. We are traveling between different pack's territory." I reminded him. "I can't let anyone try to hurt our pack just because we are an Alphaless pack."

"Well that could change once you find your mate," Drew said.

"Drew we both know that is never going to happen. We have traveled to packs all around the world and I have never met my mate. I don't think he even exists at this point." I said shaking my head. "This is our last stop in efforts to find the rest of the single-of-age pack members to find their mate."

"You're right, we are here to find mates for everyone. We may not have an Alpha but we don't nor do you need one. You are our Luna and you are just as powerful if not stronger than any of the Alphas we have met. Plus we are lucky a lot of the pack's mates have joined our pack instead of staying with their own. Our pack is growing more and more each day. Which is why I think you need to think of another place that we can call home." Drew said.

"What is wrong with our real home?" I asked crossing my arms.

"It's just a reminder to everyone of all that we have lost. No one wants to be there anymore but we will always follow our Luna." Drew answered.

"So when we are home everyone is just miserable? Is that what you are telling me? Am I making the pack this unhappy?" I asked annoyed.

"Sel, I didn't mean it like that," Drew said with a sigh.

"Call me Luna from now on," I said harshly. "I am going to get ready to leave. You should do the same beta, Drew." Drew sighed and hung his head.

"Yes, Luna" Drew replied. I nodded my head and walked back into my room shutting the door behind me. I couldn't believe he was saying that my pack was not happy. Am I not doing enough to take care of my people? I walked over to my suitcase and placed it on the bed opening it up. I took fresh clothes and jumped into the shower wanting to distract myself from the conversation I just had.

"Is finding a new place to call home so bad?" My wolf Selene asked me finally coming out from the shadows of my mind.

"Yes Selene, it is. After everything I have gone through I am not going to just leave my family's land. We have been there for centuries. Jeremy, Mom, and Dad are all buried there. I can't just leave them." I told her.

"Seluna that cave crumbled apart as soon as you left, it's not like you decided to bury them there. I know how much pain we went through there but there is greener pasture on the other side. I can feel it. I think we are finally going to meet our mate soon. I can even tell you the first letter of their name." Selene said excitedly.

"Selene I told you that we don't have a mate. Our purpose is only to protect our pack. I will make a deal with you. If I consider going back to my mother's old pack grounds will you drop the whole mate thing?" I asked her.

"Deal! But let me just say that if we were to have a mate, his name starts with a B" Selene said.

"Selene!" I warned.

"Okay, okay. Don't be so touchy." Selene said before fading away. I shook my head and got out of the shower. I quickly got dressed and did my hair before packing up my things and walking out of the room where Drew was waiting for me.

"Ready to go Luna? The pack is waiting outside." Drew asked.

"Yes, but we will have a pit stop before reaching the new territory," I told him.

"Where would you like to stop Luna? I will inform the pack." Drew said.

"We are stopping at the old Eclipse pack territory to see if it is suitable to call home," I informed him.

"Really?" Drew asked excitedly.

"Yes. Are you questioning your Luna beta, Drew?" I asked annoyed with a stone-cold expression on my face as I prepared to see the pack.

"No, of course not Luna. Let's get you in the car." Drew answered, straightening up his posture before opening the door for me as we exited the guest house. Drew guided me to our car and I got inside. I watched from the window as Drew walked over to the rest of the pack informing them of our new itinerary for the day. The faces of the pack members lit up at the sound of a possible new home and I sighed realizing Drew was right. Sometimes I wondered why the moon goddess chose me to lead the pack. I am not even the firstborn. Drew should be the Alpha and run the pack, not me.

"Stop talking like that," Selene told me. "The moon goddess is your ancestor, her blood runs through your veins and on that fateful night, you became one with her true power. If anything, you are the only person eligible for the Luna Queen position."

"Don't be ridiculous Selene. I could never be responsible for all werewolves. Plus you have heard the rumors that the Alpha King refuses to look for his mate. His brother the prince will most likely take over and he has already found his mate." I reminded her.

"You know better than to listen to rumors and I just have this feeling that we are meant to do greater things. Let's also not forget the Alpha King's name is Brandon, and as I told you, our mate's name starts with a B," Selene responded. Before I could respond to her I was brought back to reality by Drew.

"Luna, we have a problem," Drew said as he shook my shoulders.

"What is the problem?" I asked annoyed by my talk with Selene.

"Well, thanks to my clever thinking we made it to Mom's a lot faster by taking a shortcut so-" Drew answered until I cut him off.

"By clever thinking do you mean by driving through the woods and wrecking all of the cars?" I asked him and he sighed.

"Yes, but the cars are not the problem," Drew answered.

"Then what is the problem beta?" I asked and Drew pointed out the window where some 2020 Jeep Wranglers were parked outside of the entrance to our mother's old territory.

"There are people here trespassing onto our territory," Drew explained.

"Alright, I will take care of it," I said with a sigh and tried to move but he stopped me.

"Luna, wait. There is something different about these trespassers. Don't you feel it?" he asked.

"The only thing I feel is annoyed so get out of my way. You can hide in here if you want but I am not going to just let anyone walk all over my territory." I answered.

"I think we should think about this first," he said still not moving out of the way.

"Get.Out.Of.My.Way" I growled and he immediately obeyed. I got out of the door, taking off my shoes to leave them in the car before slowly closing the car door and heading towards the parked cars. No one was going to get away with this. 

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