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"The game ends now!" Blake growled before baring his canines before biting into my neck.

"Stop!" I yelled and squirmed in his tight grip but he only bit down harder. I have never seen someone react so strongly to this before and it scared me. "Please! Stop!" I begged, my eyes filling with tears and I felt the blood dripping down from my neck.

"Mine!" He growled in response against my neck.

"Stop!" I yelled again but this time I awoke with a start, sitting right up in a bed that was unfamiliar to me.

"Sssh, relax. You are okay," Brandon said and I quickly turned around to see him sitting in a chair next to the bed. I quickly jumped off the bed and backed up into the corner of the room.

"Stay away from me!" I yelled.

"Okay! Just stop yelling before you cause a scene," Brandon said and moved to the other side of the room.

"Where am I?" I asked him.

"In my bedroom... You passed out and I had to bring you somewhere safe," Brandon answered as he stared at me.

"Safe?" I asked with disbelief, "How can I be safe stuck in a room with the man that forcefully marked me?" I asked upset.

"That wasn't me Sel," Brandon said stepping forward.

"You don't have the right to call me that!" I yelled at him, how dare he call me by my nickname as if he knew me? He doesn't know a thing about me and he forcefully marked me. Now that I am marked, I am bound to him without being given a choice. "You not only marked me but you wouldn't stop biting down on my neck and I lost so much blood that I passed out."

"It was Blake, not me! I had no control. Once I touched you, I slowly lost control and Blake took control. I didn't even remember what happened at first." Brandon said defending himself as he walked over to the bed. "Plus your wolf is strong, you were able to fight Blake off before. From what I remember you didn't put up much of a fight. If I had any control then this would have never happened. I would never force myself on to my mate. "

"But you did!" I yelled at him, tears swelling up and slowly falling down my face as I pressed my back against the corner of the room as if there was any room left to back into. "You forced yourself onto me and marked me, almost killing me in the process. I did try to fight back but my wolf ignored my pleas for help. I was basically wolfless, completely vulnerable and you took advantage of me."

"Please don't cry Seluna. I'm sorry. That curse you spoke of must have done something to Blake that made him take over." Brandon said sadly as he walked around the bed towards me.

"Stay away from me!" I screamed and dropped down to the floor hugging my knees and trying to protect my neck from him.

"I'm not going to hurt you," he said standing tall just a few feet in front of me. The only thing I could see was his feet. All of a sudden there was some banging against the door.

"What is going on in there Brandon?!" A man's voice yelled out, I could tell from his voice he was another Alpha. "Who is in there with you?!" he asked continuously banging on the door.

"I'm sorry Brandon, I couldn't hold him back. Jessica is doing what she can to prevent Mom from coming up here but they can hear her screaming." another voice called out and I could tell it was Drake.

Brandon sighed and reached out to grab my arm to help me up but I used all my might to slap his hand away.

"Don't hurt me!" I yelled at him.

"I'm not going to hur-" Brandon began to say when the door was knocked down with a huge force. I lifted my head to see who broke down the door. In walked Drake and an older man who looked like a mix between Drake and Brandon. It must be their father.

"What the hell is going on in here?" He yelled and scanned the room until he saw me hiding in a ball in the corner and frowned. "Oh, my goddess. You look terrible. What happened to you young lady?" he asked and walked over pushing Brandon out of the way.

"Go away," I said and quickly looked away from him hiding my face in my arms.

"Ssh, it's okay. I am not going to hurt you. It looks like you have been beaten, your neck and wrist are heavily bruised. Come out and let me get the doctor to check you out." their father said gently bending down to be at my level. I took a peek at him and he had a sad smile on his face. "I won't let anything bad happen to you, I promise. I was good friends with your father once," he told me.

"You knew my father?" I asked relaxing slightly. I didn't think my father had any friends. He was always so busy with his Alpha duties when he wasn't at home with us.

"Yes, I did. I even have some pictures to prove it. Would you like to see them?" he asked.

"Yes," I answered and wiped away the tears that stained my face. With gentle hands, he helped me stand up. I looked over and saw Brandon talking with Drake in the corner. They were whispering and for some reason, I couldn't hear them. Since that moment when Brandon marked me I couldn't get in touch with Selene and my usual heightened senses weren't working, neither was my healing as my wrist ached and my neck felt sore.

"Does anything hurt?" he asked me.

"Yes," I said and nodded but nodding made the pain worse, "ow" I whined, reaching up to my neck and I could feel the mark was only partially healed.

"Okay, why don't you try not to move your head while your neck is healing. May I carry you to the doctor?" He asked but Drake stepped forward.

"Dad, you are too old to be lifting people. I will take her to the doctor. You can get those pictures for her and bring them to the doctor's office." Drake suggested.

"Is that okay with you?" their father asked me.

"Yes," I said and bit my lip. I didn't like the idea of anyone touching me at the moment but I would rather it be Drake than Brandon. Drake nodded and carefully picked me up. I could see Brandon staring at me with an emotionless look and I had to look away.

"Ready?" Drake asked.

"Yes, I'm ready" I answered and he carried me off to the doctor.

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