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As I was talking with Alex and Alessa I felt Selene stirring in my head restlessly.

"Our mate is here!" Selene said excitedly.

"What? Where?" I asked her and looked around until I could see him standing at the doorway with Drew. I glared at them both and put Alex and Alessa behind me. "What is he doing here Drew?" I asked angrily.

"Hey, hey, relax Sel. The children are present." Drew said walking into the room.

"What do you want?" I asked Brandon as I glared at him.

"I need your help with something," Brandon said as he walked into the room.

"How long were you standing there and watching?" I asked him.

"Not long. Are these your children?" He asked walking closer.

"Yes!" Alex shouted.

"Sh!" Alessa warned.

"Stay away from them!" I growled.

"Okay, okay," he said, holding his hands up in surrender as he moved back. "I just came to ask for your help."

"What do you need my help with?" I asked.

"The moon goddess cursed my mother to be without her wolf for getting too involved in something. Only you can lift the curse or else she will die," he explained, sounding sad at the mention of his mother dying.

"What did she get involved in that the moon goddess cursed her?" I asked curiously.

"Seriously Sel? His mother is dying and this is what you are concerned about?" Drew asked annoyed.

"I have the right to know before I make a decision," I answered.

"She got worried about her friend when she heard that her friend's pack got attacked. The moon goddess told her not to get involved but she went to her friend's pack anyway to see if she was okay," he explained.

"Oh," I said in response, shocked that the moon goddess would put such a curse on someone just because they were concerned about someone they care for. Then again, the moon goddess let me watch my family being killed so nothing is too far-fetched to me now. I don't trust Brandon yet but he is supposedly my mate and no one deserves to lose their mother. Maybe I could use this chance to test him and get an idea of his pack territory. This way if anything goes south, I know how to escape. "Alright, I will help you" I agreed.

"Really?" Brandon asked surprised.

"That was a quick decision sis," Drew said.

"I know but no one deserves to lose their Mom. We both know what that is like and I would not wish it on even my worst enemy." I explained and stood up.

"Right," Drew added and nodded his head. "Are you going to leave now?" he asked

"Yes. The sooner I get it over with, the faster I can come back home." I said.

"You just want to help my mom then come running back here?" Brandon asked.

"Yeah, why would I stay there longer than I need to?" I asked back.

"What if I wanted to show you around my territory or my mother wanted to have you over for dinner as a thank you?" He asked in response to my question.

"That could be arranged for another day. I am only agreeing to go today to save your mother so don't push it." I answered firmly.

"What if I went with you?" Drew interjected. "Would you stay a little longer there?" he asked and I frowned.

"Since when did you become his wingman?" I asked annoyed. "You are not coming. You are going to stay here and look after the pack while I am gone. You are the next in line to take over if something were to happen to me." I told him.

"Don't go!" Alex whined, clutching my leg tightly. Alessa came rushing over and pulled him off my leg.

"Relax Alex. Our Luna is amazing, she will come back. No one can beat her." Alessa said to calm him down. "She could even beat up this big man here asking for her help," she said.

"Oh really? You think so?" Brandon asked and kneeled to their level. "You think she can beat me up?"

"Mhm." Alessa agreed peeking out from behind my leg. "I saw her fight and she was amazing!" she explained with a grin.

"Let's make a bet then. Me and your Luna- actually me and your mom" Brandon said with a grin as he looked my way before looking back to Alessa, "Will race and if I win, she has to stay the night at my pack. Deal?" he suggested and held out his hand to shake on it.

"Deal!" Alessa agreed excitedly and shook his hand.

"Wait, what?! I didn't agree to this!" I said in shock. I couldn't believe he made a deal with a child about my life choices. Brandon laughed and stood up.

"A deal is a deal, Seluna. Plus, you wouldn't want to disappoint her now would you?" Brandon asked with a smirk and I glared at him

"Don't worry Mommy, you will win" Alex said tapping my leg. Alessa looked up at me with big puppy eyes pleading for me to agree.

"Alright, Fine" I caved and sighed with defeat. I will only do this stupid race for the kids. No matter what, I have to win this race. I can't lose and spend the night in his pack. 

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