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As soon as Brandon caught up to the rest of us the temple began to shake and we were suddenly sealed inside.

"What is going on?!" Drake yelled out. "I can't see anything!"

"Will you stop screaming!" I yelled back. "It means there's an important message waiting for me," I explained.

"Of course, it's all about you," Drake said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes at his attitude. He was a real sore loser. As I turned around to find our way through the dark, smoke entered the hall and formed into a wolf. I stared in shock as the wolf looked exactly like my mother's wolf form.

"Mom?" I asked out loud.

"Welcome home, Seluna," the wolf said. "I am your mother's wolf, Amethyst. I have been waiting for you and your mate to come for three years," she added.

"He's not my mate. I don't have a mate." I corrected her.

"We shall see about that. Once you start going into heat, your mate will be the only one to soothe your pain. Now follow me. We have a lot to discuss and I can only be here for a short amount of time." Amethyst said and headed off down the hall. She led us to a door I didn't recognize.

"What is this doing here?" I asked her.

"This is the temple library. We can talk here and you can find answers to the questions I am sure you will have after I am gone." Amethyst explained. "This room is only accessible by you, your brother, and your mates. Those two can enter if you hold the door for them. They will not be able to enter on their own."

"Interesting. Okay, so to prove I don't have a mate, Brandon, will you try to open the door?" I asked turning around to him.

"You think it's impossible to be mates?" Brandon asked me, walking right up to me. "Do you not find me attractive at the least?" he questioned. He was too close to me, his scent was heavy and it took all of my strength not to lean in towards him. No matter what my mind says, my body says otherwise as if he was going to become my addiction. I was not going to let that happen. I am not going to fall for this mate thing.

"Yes, I do. If I had a mate, he would have found me long ago. My parents and younger brother would still be alive instead of getting their hearts ripped out of their chests and buried in the ruins of our temple." I growled. "Do you know what it is like to be forced to watch your family be brutally murdered in front of you? It changes you." I watched his face soften and it looked as if he almost frowned as if he cared but his face quickly returned to normal.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. I will try to open the door as you wish." He responded and squeezed past me in the hall to the door. Our hands grazed each other as he moved and I felt an electric tingle of a spark. I quickly pulled my hand back in shock and tried to act as if I didn't feel it.

"Just hurry up. The faster we get this over with, the faster you can leave." I said back to him. Once he stood in front of the door he looked back at me and I crossed my arms in annoyance waiting for him to try to open the stupid door. He sighed and turned back to the door, reaching out his hand he grabbed hold of the doorknob and opened the door with ease.

"Looks like we are mates. This is the second time it's been proven. Are you going to accept the truth yet?" Brandon asked smiling at me.

"No" I answered with cold eyes and pushed past him. I admit that I did this to see if I felt that same spark from a second ago and I did. This time it was stronger since it was more than just my hand against his.

"Did you feel that?" he asked me.

"No" I lied as I looked around the library.

"Alright love birds, relax. Everyone, have a seat." Amethyst instructed as the rest of them walked in. Once we all sat down Amethyst sat down in front of us. "I don't have too much time left so I will go straight to the point. Seluna, as you know your family has a special bond with the moon goddess. This is because your family is the direct descendants of the moon goddess herself. The moon goddess didn't leave this mortal plain until she knew that werewolf kind was in good hands. She made a promise, which ended up being the prophecy, that when the tides change and the werewolf kind is in danger, she will give all of her power and strength to the one female descendent who shall be born on the night of the wolf moon in the sacred temple. She shall be known as the Luna queen with fur white as snow. Her mate will be the Alpha King. Together the two will save Werewolfkind. The moon goddess's hair was white as snow, this is why your hair changed Seluna when her powers were bestowed on you." she explained.

"No way," I said, shaking my head as I stood up. I refused to accept this. "My hair changed on the worst night of my life. It was not because of some prophecy." I stated and Amethyst sighed.

"The attack on the pack and the murder was when the tide changed. It was fated that this powerful loss would awaken the power inside of you to accept your gift. In all honesty, Drew should have died that night as well. The moon goddess must have felt it  best for him to be spared since she sent him away from the pack that night." Amethyst replied.

"Why would the moon goddess do something like this to her own family? It makes no sense." I said filled with anger. Tears formed in my eyes just thinking back to that night.

"The moon goddess didn't set this up. She just knew this would happen. She did what she could to spare Drew. They might not be here on this earth but are safe with the moon goddess." Amethyst told me and stood up. "My time here is coming to an end. I know this is a lot to take in but please be careful. As times go by more signs will appear before the battle that is to come. Keep an eye out so you can be prepared." she explained then turned her attention to Brandon. "You must protect her at all costs. Her power matches yours if not exceeds but she cannot fight this battle alone. The two of you together are a force no one has ever seen." she told him firmly as I felt as if I was going to explode. I needed fresh air, so I went back to the door to leave but the door would not open. I felt a pull to turn around and as I did, Brandon stood up.

"She is my mate, of course I will," Brandon said as he stood up. "Now that I have found her, I will never let go."

"Good," Amethyst said. "We will be watching" she added before disappearing into the air. As soon as she was gone, the door unlocked. I flung the door open and ran out of the temple. I ran back to the pack center as the tears started to fall. If the prophecy was true, then everyone died because of me. They died for me to gain power but I never wanted this. I never wanted power or influence. The only thing I ever cared about was my family and they were ripped away. The pain in my heart became so unbearable I had to stop running. I fell to my knees and screamed as loud as I could out of anger. The trees shook from the power of my scream. I looked up to the sky through my tear-filled eyes, the sky turned gray and rain started to fall. It was as if nature felt my pain and was crying with me. 

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