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"You are one brave man, Alpha Brandon," Nick said as we hopped into the car and sped off.

"And why is that Nick?" I asked him as I drove.

"Because you have seen how powerful she can be and yet you still purposefully annoyed her," Nick explained.

"I had a feeling she wasn't going to do anything to me so I took the chance. Can't have her forgetting that I am her mate." I told him.

"And you thought annoying her was the best way to do that? Do you see what she did to my neck?! I still haven't completely healed." Drake said shaking his head. "Jessica is going to kill me when she sees this," he added.

"I think she will be more upset to smell another woman on you than the mess on your neck," Nick replied.

"I have to agree with our beta on that," I added. "But I will help you out as best as I can," I assured Drake.

"You better. This is your fault anyway I mean why did you have to be mated with such a crazy powerful she-wolf?" Drake asked. "What if she is stronger than you? Wouldn't that make you feel like less of a man?" he questioned.

"To answer your question, I think her strength is just as much as mine so no, I don't feel like less of a man," I answered. "And if you didn't notice back there, I was able to get under her skin without her attacking me which is progress. She is going to fall for me one way or another. It's nice to have to chase after her a bit. I didn't date around that much like you did," I reminded him.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I already know I was a dick before I met Jessica. I am sure making up for it now. That woman is crazy, but I love her." he responded.

"Yes, you and Princess Jessica balance each other out. Everyone has noticed how well-suited you two are." Nick chimed in as I pulled up to the gates of our territory. Our territory is surrounded by three wall barriers preventing outsiders from entering, with the end of our territory at a cliff at the edge of our woods. The walls have been up for centuries and I hoped to one day tear them down. A guard came running out to the car as soon as we stopped.

"Sir, you are needed urgently at the castle." the guard said.

"Why? What happened?" I asked, quickly hopping out of the car with Drake behind me.

"It's your mother, sir. She is not doing well," he answered sadly.

"Drake, let's go. Nick, bring the car back to the garage and then meet us at the castle." I ordered quickly before running off to the castle. I didn't care if I ran too fast for Drake to keep up, the only thing on my mind was making sure Mom was okay. Once I reached the castle doors, I flung them open. "Mom? Dad?" I yelled out as I looked around for them.

"Shh!" Jessica said as she waved me over to a room. "She is in here with your dad. She was standing in the kitchen, chatting with one of the cooks when she suddenly collapsed. She is in and out of consciousness. The doctor doesn't know how she became so ill all of a sudden." she explained just as Drake finally caught up.

"Does the doctor know anything at all?" I asked annoyed, clenching my hands into fists. How could the doctor not know what was going on? He was supposed to be the best of the best and yet right now he just seems useless.

"Calm down Brandon," Drake said to me. "I am just as upset as you are but we need to take this one step at a time. Go be with mom and dad right now. I will go look for the doctor and try to get some answers." he said before walking off with Jessica. I took a deep breath to try to control myself before stepping into the room. I walked over to the opposite side of my mother's bed across from my father. He didn't look up at me til I had sat down.

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