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Drake's behavior towards my supposed mate was unacceptable. I am just as skeptical as he is but if she is my mate, I can't let him treat her this way. I hate to say it, but how she handled my brother was pretty hot. She didn't even flinch an inch when he went at her. If she were to be my mate, I would be honored and glad to have such an experienced warrior to help me protect my pack. The closer she got, the more her scent started to hit me. Her scent was entrancing, the sweet smell of Vanilla that you would expect from a candle on a cold winter's night. It took all my strength to hold my wolf Blake back from taking full control to put my brother in his place.

"He needs to be put in his place for talking to our mate like that!" Blake growled at me.

"Blake, calm down. I agree that what he said was wrong but we don't know for sure that this is our mate. For all we know, she could have a witch helping her to masquerade as my mate. How many women have tried this before?" I asked him hoping to knock some sense into him.

"No! How dare you question our mate! I will not let you mess this up. She has finally come back to us. I met her wolf, Selene. She is beautiful and white as snow except her tail looks like she dipped the end of it in some red paint. She's had a vision about us before but for some reason Seluna keeps this locked in the back of her mind, almost completely unaware of the vision. You should have heard the terrible things our mate has gone through in these past three years. We need to bring her home and protect her. She is more special than you realize." Blake explained.

"And her wolf Selene told you all of this? Is that what you were up to this whole time while Drake and Seluna bickered?" I asked him.

"Yes. I couldn't resist after waiting so long." Blake answered.

"All she has to do is to walk through the temple to prove she is our mate. Since you are already so close with her wolf, why don't you ask her to encourage Seluna to do the temple." I suggested, trying to speed up this circus act.

"Fine." Blake agreed with a huff.

"Alpha Brandon! Alpha! Are you there?" Beta Nick called from the floor where he was still kneeling. I was so busy dealing with Blake that I completely forgot about him.

"Oh, yes, sorry Beta. What is it?" I asked him.

"Can you tell her to let me get up?" He asked.

"Of course." I agreed with a nod and looked back to Seluna. "Let my Beta go. He's submitted to you long enough."

"What are you talking about? I'm not forcing him to stay kneeled." Seluna said with a roll of her eyes.

"Then why is my Beta unable to get up?" I asked her again. What kind of game was she playing?

"I don't know. Why don't you ask-" she started to say but it seemed her wolf cut her off, her eyes turned white, indicating she was communicating with her wolf. When the white dissipated from her eyes she looked down at her necklace, holding it out slightly as if inspecting it before looking back at us. "You may stand up Beta" she finally said. I looked back to Nick and he was able to get up.

"Thank you, Luna," he said and bowed to her. I quickly hit him in the head.

"Why did you just address her as Luna?" I asked annoyed. This kind of disrespect is unacceptable from my beta.

"Sorry Alpha, it was a slip of the tongue. Please forgive me" Nick begged getting on his hands and knees at my feet.

"Get up!" I yelled at him and he quickly got up.

"Don't blame your beta for that. It wasn't him speaking." Seluna said, surprising me by standing up for my beta.

"Then who was it huh?" I asked, annoyed that she was trying to interfere in my business.

"It was the necklace. It amplifies my power of authority. That is why he wasn't able to get up on his own." She explained.

"That is pretty far-fetched for you," I said with a shake of my head. I couldn't believe she was trying to act like the necklace gave her power of authority.

"First of all, you don't know me so don't act like you do. Second of all, it is true. This gem in the necklace came from the Moon Goddess herself. It can only be found here, at her sacred temple." She replied with a growl.

"And who told you that pack of lies?" I said.

"My mother." She responded and left the necklace alone, dropping her arms to her side. "Now let's just get this over with. You three go first toward the temple."

"Why? Are you too scared to go first? Afraid we might attack from behind?" Drake asked, finally rejoining the conversation.

"You should shut up now before I rip your throat out." She growled, her claws extended.

"How about we all just walk together?" I suggested, trying to keep the peace for the time being since arguing was getting us nowhere.

"Fine" she agreed. The four of us walked to the temple. I stole glances at her to keep a watchful eye. She walked with such elegance, pride, and power. I have never seen a she-wolf as confident in herself as she. It wasn't a long walk to the temple. Once we reached the entrance we stepped to the side to make room for Seluna to enter the temple.

"Alright, time to prove you are who you say you are. If you are who you say are, I will honor my word and we will leave your territory. If you can't enter, we will know you are lying and take you into custody for impersonation." I told her.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." She responded, shooing me with her hand as she walked up to the entrance before turning her head to look at us. "I can't wait to see the dumbfounded expressions on your faces," she said with a wicked grin before entering the temple and walking down to the end of the long hallway entrance. My jaw dropped as I watched her walk through with ease.

"H-h-how is that possible?!" Drake asked, astonished.

"I told you assholes, I am the rightful ruler of this territory. This my pack's land. This is our sacred temple." Seluna shouted out.

"See, Sir, she is your mate!" Beta Nick said with excitement. "Let's follow her!" he said and walked right in. She did it, there was no longer a barrier preventing others from entering the temple.

"After you, brother," I said to Drake, and with slugged shoulders, he reluctantly went in and I followed behind. After all this time, thinking my mate was dead, I have finally found her. Little did I know that my mate would be such a handful. Blake was howling happy in my head, this was the happiest he had been in a long time. I wish I could be just as excited as him but part of me was still in shock, trying to process all of this. As soon as we reached the end of the hall, the temple began to shake and the entrance we had just come through was sealed off.

"What is going on?!" Drake yelled out. "I can't see anything!"

"Will you stop screaming!" Seluna yelled back. "This just means there is an important message waiting for me," she explained.

"Of course, it's all about you," Drake said sarcastically. Just as I was about to say something, a smoke-like apparition appeared in front of us, it was a wolf.

"Mom?" Seluna asked aloud in surprise.

"Welcome home, Seluna." the wolf said.

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