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When the door opened for me, it was the additional confirmation that Seluna was my mate. No matter what I do, it doesn't seem to be enough proof for her. It is quite infuriating to have her so easily deny me as her mate yet I also admired that she wasn't easily persuaded. She's stubborn but then so am I. I was taken aback when she pushed past me to enter the room. The feeling of her body against mine despite it only lasting for a few seconds was electrifying. I always thought it would be like that when I would first touch my mate. The thought of holding her body against mine, feeling every inch and curve of her body made me want to take her right then and there but it was not the right moment for that. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and followed inside. The library was amazing. There were shelves of books from top to bottom. I never thought there could be so many books about our heritage and history. The room looked as if it was never-ending. We sat down to listen to Amethyst. My eyes kept moving back and forth between Seluna and Amethyst as I tried to read her facial expressions. I was blown away to hear Seluna was a direct descendant of the Moon Goddess, let alone blessed with her power.

"No wonder she made Nick kneel. She's basically a reincarnation of the moon goddess." Drake said in a whisper leaning over to me.

"Shut up. I am trying to listen." I snapped back just as Seluna quickly stood up.

"No way," Seluna said, shaking her head. "My hair changed on the worst night of my life. It was not because of some prophecy," she stated and Amethyst sighed.

"The attack on the pack and the murder was the moment the tide changed. It was fated that this powerful loss would awaken the power inside of you to accept your gift. In all honesty, Drew should have died that night as well. I guess the moon goddess felt it would be best for him to be spared since she sent him away from the pack that night." Amethyst replied.

"Why would the moon goddess do something like this to her own family? It makes no sense." Seluna replied with a voice filled with anger. I could feel her pain and wanted to pull her into my arms and just hold her but I knew it wasn't my place.

"The moon goddess didn't set this up. She just knew this would happen. She did what she could to spare Drew. They might not be here on this earth but they are safe with the moon goddess." Amethyst said to her and stood up. "My time here is coming to an end. I know this is a lot to take in but please be careful. As times go by more signs will appear of the battle that is to come. Keep an eye out so you can be prepared." she explained then turned her attention to me. "You must protect her at all costs. Her power matches yours if not exceeds but she cannot fight this battle alone. The two of you together are a force no one has ever seen." she said firmly.

"She is my mate, of course, I will," I said standing up. "Now that I have found her, I will never let go," I added and looked directly at Seluna. I could see the tears forming in her eyes from all the pain and anguish she was feeling all at once. I wanted her to know that she wasn't alone in this.

"Good," Amethyst said. "We will be watching" she added before disappearing into the air. As soon as she was gone, the door unlocked. Seluna flung the door open and ran out.

"Alpha are you not going to go after your mate?" Nick asked standing up quickly.

"I am but she is upset, she needs a minute to herself," I answered him.

"I don't know brother, hearing that your family died for you to become who you were meant to become is tough to hear. I think you should go after her right now so you can catch up to her. I'm sure she can take care of herself just fine but right now she is vulnerable and we still don't know if there are any rogues still outlying the area since fleeing from our territory." Drake reminded me.

"I can't just force her to lean on me in this situation. She's not ready to accept that I am her mate, let alone to let me help her." I told him just before a searing pain came across my chest followed by a piercing scream. I instantly knew it was her. "Seluna!" I yelled and ran out quickly toward where I heard her voice come from. I couldn't smell her scent, it was too faint but I found her on the ground, on her hands and knees. I rushed over to her. "Seluna are you okay?" I asked as I helped her get up.

"Let go of me" She barked and pushed me away with a sniffle. "I'm fine. I don't need you trying to act like a hero and come to my rescue," she said.

"I'm not trying to act like a hero. You are my mate and I care about you. I can feel that you are in pain and your face is tear-stained. It's okay to not be okay. You don't have to act like nothing bothers you when you are around me." I told her and reached to wipe away the tears on her face. When she didn't automatically smack my hand away, I went for it and caressed her cheek, wiping away the tears.

"Why would you want to be mated to someone who is destined to be followed by danger and tragedy?" she asked me before taking a step back. I dropped my hand back down to my side.

"Because I have been waiting for you for over 10 years. I thought you were dead. Of course, I didn't know it was you, you, but I've waited so long to be reunited with my mate. When the necklace stopped glowing I felt as if I lost a part of myself. I haven't felt whole again until now, because you are here." I told her, looking her straight in the eyes. She broke eye contact, looking away before looking back at me.

"That sounds very cheesy to me," she said.

"Cheesy or not, it's the truth. Amethyst said that we are both destined to come together to fight this new danger. Neither one of us can win this upcoming war on our own. This is your home, stay and get comfortable. There is plenty of time for us to get to know each other and talk things out." I suggested.

"I will think about it. I make no promises," she answered.

"I can accept that," I replied with a nod just as what seemed to be some of her pack came running up. It wasn't until I looked around that I noticed most of the trees over here had fallen. "Did your scream do all of this?" I asked her.

"Yeah... I didn't mean to do it, I just couldn't control it." She answered, looking down at the ground as if she felt bad.

"Seluna!" her brother yelled running up to us with a face full of concern. As soon as he saw her face he glared at me and got in my face. "What did you do to my sister to make her this upset?! If you have laid a hand on her I will kill you with my bare hands!" he threatened, his eyes turning red, just as you would expect from an Alpha despite him being the designated beta of the pack.

"Drew, stop," Seluna said, tapping him on the shoulder. "He didn't do anything to me," she told him and he quickly turned around pulling her into his arms.

"Well, who did then because I haven't seen you this upset in three years when you collapsed in my arms," Drew asked.

"We went into the temple and got locked in. Amethyst was waiting for us to leave a message." She answered and I took a step back as Drake and Nick came running over.

"What happened here?" Drake asked.

"Did you two fight?" Nick asked.

"No, we didn't fight. She did this, her scream knocked down all of these trees. She is truly powerful like the moon goddess." I answered them.

"Who are all these people then?" Drake asked motioning to her pack.

"They are her pack members. They came running after hearing her scream." I explained.

"There are so many men in her pack. I would have thought her pack would be smaller and mainly be women." Drake said.

"That is very judgemental of you Prince Drake," Nick commented.

"Don't act like you weren't thinking it." Drake spat back.

"Even if I did, I wouldn't have said it out loud in front of her mate and pack to hear," Nick replied.

"You are both idiots," I told them and slapped them on the back of the head. "That is your Luna you are talking about."

"Luna? Did he just call our Luna his Luna?" I heard someone question from her pack. Instantly there was a lot of chatter from her pack. This earned a glare from both Seluna and Drew towards me.

"Sorry," I said with a shrug of my shoulders. I meant it is only the inevitable so it shouldn't be a big deal right?

"You are an idiot" Blake, my wolf said to me. 

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