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Seluna was not happy that I made a deal with cute little Alessa but I was excited. If I could make her stay the night I could get a chance to get to know her more and have some time alone. No one to annoy or distract us. I know from yesterday that when it's just us, she can feel the mate bond between us. I just need time to get through to her. Plus this would help get my mom off my back too. We agreed to race from the temple to the entrance of the territory where Drake and Nick were waiting. The kids were left with Seluna's brother and it was just me and Seluna as we walked to the temple. It was awkward and silent so I decided to try to break the ice.

"Your kids seem very nice," I said to her and she nodded without looking my way.

"They are. Alessa is old enough to remember the loss of her parents but she is also young enough that she may forget over time as she gets older but she is still a sweet and innocent child. Alex will never know his parents, I am the only person he knows besides Alessa. I've raised them the best I can." She explained with a sigh.

"Well from what I can tell, you have been doing a great job. They really love you." I told her honestly. I remember how her brother said she was fragile. It's clear that she really cares for the kids and wants what is best for them but she doesn't believe in herself.

"You are just saying that to be nice and butter me up," she said with a shake of her head.

"No, I mean it," I told her as we reached the entrance of the temple. "They looked happy and well cared for. For someone who has been on their own to run a whole entire pack, you are doing a great job. Your pack is happy, healthy, and thriving. That is something that many Alpha's struggle to do even with help from their families."I explained to her.

"Did you struggle with it?" She asked, finally looking at me.

"Well, no, but-" I started to say but she cut me off.

"Let's just get this race over with," Seluna said with a shake of her head and got in a stance ready to take off. Her walls are definitely up and she seems more determined to keep me out than how we left things yesterday. Getting to her heart is going to be more difficult than I originally anticipated.

"How should we go about this then? Who will signal when to start running?" I asked going along with the change of topic. She thought for a moment and I could tell she was speaking with her wolf as the necklace around her neck glowed brighter. The conversation must have been short because a few seconds later the glow dimmed and her attention was back to me.

"Since our wolves are so keen on being together, why don't we let them tell us when to start?" she suggested.

"You trust that they will tell us when to run at the same time?" I asked her with a questioning look. It seemed as if she was ready to pull a fast one to get out of having to stay the night.

"Our mate is not pulling a fast one. Her wolf, Selene came up with the idea and I have agreed." Blake said to me in the back of my mind.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked him.

"Of course I am. Don't worry. She won't be able to outrun us, she is a female after all. They are naturally weaker." he scoffed.

"If I remember correctly she had no problem taking you on yesterday," I reminded him.

"But she did not beat me. If you didn't step in, I would have had her!" he said raising his voice.

"We can't force her, Blake. That will only make things worse." I reprimanded him until Seluna brought me back from my thoughts.

"Um, hello?" she asked, waving her hand in front of my face. "Are you done chatting yet? I have a race to win here,"

"That's pretty cocky of you to say that you are going to win," I said with a smirk. I liked her confidence, it was a nice contrast to when she is putting herself down.

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