3. Did I make a mistake?

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   Amruta's P.O.V.

I could not believe my luck.  I mean how bad one's luck has to be for this to happen? Of the millions people in this city, my boss had to be the rich jerk from the morning who I had a heated argument with. Wow, Ammu, just wow. From what I had heard about him, he was a very hard-working & brilliant businessman who had many accomplishments. He was just 29 and had successfully founded & managed 4 businesses in four different sectors. When I company was acquired, I had gathered information about the acquiring company & its heads. What I had missed was the picture. I may have seen it but I did not pay much attention to it. If only I had seen it, I would not have yelled at him in the morning. 

As expected , he got very annoyed when he saw me in his office. But what I did not expect was for him to ask me a question that was not actually related to my work. I could not answer it & he did not bother to ask me anythinge else. I really hope he would not be a child about this and give me the position I deserve, Head of Finance. When I came in the morning, I knew I was going to get the promotion, but now I am apprehensive. All I can do is pray for my new boss to be mature about this & not let any personal bias influence his decision. It was only a matter of sometime now. We would soon receive the names of the promoted employees on their office email. I tried to be patient & engage herself in work, which was very difficult. 

At 5:00 pm sharp, all the employees received a message on their email. The mail congratulated the 4 promoted employee. My heart was racing as I scanned the mail for my name. It was not there. Instead, the senior most employee of the department was given the position. My heart sank so low that I could feel it pulling my weight down. 3 years of hard work, dedication & loyalty, all down the drain because I angered the CEO. I could feel tears well up in my eyes and excused myself to go the restroom. Once inside the closed walls of the restroom stall, I let my tears fall freely. Everyone knew I was the one who should have received the promotion. I knew how much I needed it to manage my family's expenses. All my plans for my family were shattered. For what? a silly fight! I could not believe my new boss, the famous Virat Singh Ahuja, was so petty. I cried my heart out and managed to calm myself after sometime. "Ammu, you have to be strong. You cannot break down like this. There is just a small setback, not the end of the world", I told myself wiping my eyes. 

I looked in the mirror and was kind of scared by own reflection

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I looked in the mirror and was kind of scared by own reflection. My face was completely red & damp and the eyeliner has smeared everywhere. I quickly washed my face properly. It cleaned the eyeliner but my face was red & eyes swollen. I did not want anyone to see me like this so I waited in the restroom stall itself. It was time for everyone to leave so I could wait for another 10 minutes for the office to clear out. After a good 10-15 minutes, I was sure everyone had left. I slowly made my way to my cubicle to get my things. I was right, there was not a soul visible in our floor. I packed my bag and turned to leave and met my none other than my boss who chose revenge over merit. 

"tum abhi gayi nahi? kaam zyada tha?" (You have not yet left? Did you have excess work?), he asked me. 

"Hmm", I nodded and tried to walk past him but he blocked my way. I felt the tears stinging my eyes again & wanted to dash out before he could see it & make fun of my misery. I looked towrads the floor. 

"kya hua? muh me zabaan nahi hai? waise to bahut bolti ho bina matlab k" ( What happened? Cat got your tongue? Usually, you keep talking without any reason", he mocked me. 

"Mr. Ahuja, mujhe late ho raha hai. Mujhe jane dijiye" (Mr. Ahuja, I am getting late, let me leave", I said looking  up at him. 

The second I looked up at him, I saw his expression change. He did not look at me mockinginly anymore. Infact, I thought I saw concern in his eyes. I brushed that thought aside. There is no way this man would be concerned for me. 


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"to .....matlab....main-main kab mana kar rahan hoo...jao na" (So....I mean....When did I- I stop you), he said stammering. That's weird. The Virat Ahuja hesitating to complete a small sentence. Looked like he was shocked by something. I did not care to ask. I just thanked him & rushed towards the elevator. 

Virat's P.O.V.

I stood there and watched her leave in a hurry and trying to avoid looking at me. It was clear she was crying & I had a fairly good idea why. I felt waves of guilt consuming me. I knew she was the perfect candidate for the Finance Head position but I wanted to teach her a lesson. I wanted her to face the consequences of her action, which now that I think about, were not all that bad. I have understood that she is argumentative and maybe a little hot-headed but she did not do anything outright wrong. I wondered if I made a huge mistake. Well, it is too late to change my decision now. Maybe she is not even that good of an employee and would not have been a good choice. Only time will tell how good she is at her work. 

I was lost in my thoughts when my phone rang. The screen lit up and displayed "Stuti calling". Ugh, I had totally forgotten that my mother had arranged for me to meet Stuti, her friend's daughter, for dinner tonight. I had met her a few times ages and now my mother was trying to set up our marriage. I tried but could not get out of the dinner date. So, tonight I have to take Stuti out to dinener. I did not have anything against that but the problem was my mother would probably start planning my wedding by the time our dinner would be over. Now, that I had a problem with. I ignored the call & decided to text her the time I'll pick her up on. First, I needed to get to my hotel and get fresh and ready for my dinner date.  

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