16. Virat? As in Kohli?

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Bhavani Chitnis was alone at home as Amruta had gone for work and his son, Harsh, had gone out for some work regarding his admission in MBBS. She was worried about Harsh or Harishiya, as she called him. He was a sincere & dedicated student, but he got not secure a good government college as he had fallen ill a few days before the entrance exams and lost a lot of time for preparations. He did get some government colleges, but they were not very good so he now had to opt for a private college. He was working hard to get information about any scholarship programs as he knew his family could not afford the fees and an education loan would add amount as interest. With these thoughts in mind, she started to make preparations for lunch when she heard the doorbell. She assumed it must be a delivery and went to open teh door. 

To her surprise, it was Mrs. Babita Ahuja. She was taken aback seeing Virat's mother at her doorstep. They had met only once at the society meeting. There was no contact between them after that. 

"May I come in, Bhavani ji?", Babita asked

"Oh, Of course! I am so sorry. I was just a little surprised to see you here.", Bhavani said giving her way and guiding her to the living room couch. 

Once Babita was seated,  Bhavani got soft drinks and snacks for her. They exchanged a few pleasantries first.  Bhavani waited for Babita to tell her the reason of her arrival but when that did not happen, she asked, "So Babita ji, what brings you here?"

Babita took a long pause and finally said, "I have come to you regarding something extremely important. Let me start from the beginning.", she went on to narrate everything that happened from the minute Guruji made the predcition to him saying Amruta would be the best match for Virat.

Bhavani sat there motionless, too stunned to say anything. Her mind was reeling. 

"Bhavani ji, I know this is a very strange situation for a mother. But, I have no other option. It is about my son's life. I hope you can understand her plea.", Babita had tears in her eyes. 

Bhavani understood very well what Babita must be going through. She was also a mother. How could she not feel another mother's pain? She could empathize with the helpnessness Babita must be feeling. But, she was also Amruta's mother. How could she agree to marry someone who was leagues ahead of them financially and socially? Both her and Amruta believed in marrying within their status. And above everything else, a five months marriage? What would her daughter do after that? Bhavani was preoccupied with these thoughts when she felt Babita nudge her.

"Please say something."

"I really don't know what to say. I cannot allow my daughter to be a divorcee after 5 months of marriage? What would her life be after that?"

"I understand everything. But, I will think of something. Please trust me. I will not let her life be ruined. Just save my son's life. I will do anything for you all."

"Give us sometime. I promise I will think about it. I will discuss it with Amruta once she is back from work", she said firmly so that Babita would stop pressing her. This was not a matter to dicuss and decide on in one sitting. 

Babita got the hint and took her leave. Bhavani wasnted so bad to pick up the phone and call Amruta home but she did not want to worry her daughter. She would have to wait untill Amruta came back from office. 

Amruta's P.O.V.

On my way from office, my mind went back to Virat Sir's behavior that day. It seemed like he was going out of his way to avoid me. I had to discuss some important financial strategies with him but everytime I tried to approach him, he found an excuse not to talk to me. I had no clue why was he doing so. I did not think I did anything to anger him. Infact, I had thought that after Saturday, things between us would be a little better. But, here it was exactly the opposite. Maybe he realised that he should not offered to match my salary with the new offer. He probably regretted his actions now. Or may be he regretted associating with me in a social set up. Maybe someone he knew saw us and he was embarrased to be seen with me.  I meant, I knew there is a huge status gap between us. People from a middle class background and the ones from high society usually do not mix socially. It must be either of those two reasons. There was absolutely no other explaination. The realisation really hurt me, for some reason. I felt humiliated. I knew he was not my friend or anything but it still affected me a great deal. I felt angry as well, but mostly I was just upset. It decided to give a serious thought to the other job offer. I would not be humiliated by him again. It seemed he did not want me to around anyways.

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