8. Scaredy Cat

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Virat's P.O.V

I was beyond anxious. I cannot, for the love of god, believe what had happened a couple hours ago. How can someone get married just like that? I had decided that that was where I draw the line. I did not believe in all this but still, I have never disrespected any of it but today is when that ends. I told my family that I had no ounce of faith in it and I would not get married. But, just a few moments later, my mom fainted because of hypertension. The doctor recommended us not to cause her any stress and tension as it might prove to be dangerous. Her BP had risen to extremely high levels. I knew the future forecast was the reason and the more I try to get out it, the more stress it would cause my mom. 

For now, I gave her a green signal to look for marriage prospects for me. Even thinking about being a maried man in the next two weeks was making me nauseous. I had not even imagined of getting married in the next 2-3 years. But right now, the most important thing was my mother's health. My family members were already on their toes in order to find the perfect bride for me who would "save" my life.  

I avoided my family for the entire day & stayed in my room. My friend and employee, Shekhar tried to have me make peace with what was going on. It was very difficult as he himself could not make sense of it. He suggested me to make a list of all my friends whose name started with A and who would be interested in marrying me. I knew a lot of my friends would be. I was aware that I was one of those "most eligible bachelor" kinds. But that did not mean, I was comfortable with the idea of approaching my friends with random marriage proposal. 

After dinner, I went downstairs to the society compound for a walk so that I can clear my head. I had taken a couple rounds when I saw Miss Banker sitting on a bench under the lamp post. Her eyes were closed and it seemed like she was taking deep breaths. She looked a little funny to be honest. I went and stood infront of her, bent down so that my face could be just opposite hers and started to stare at her. As expected, her body sensed someone's close presence and she opened her eyes and screamed in shock. She did not expect someone to be staring at her like that. I started to laugh at her. 

She jumped off the bench, looked at me with anger filled in eyes and shrieked, "Virat Sir, what is this? Are a child?"

"Me? I was not the one who shouted at the top his lungs because he was scared.", I said laughing

"Anyone would shout in a similar situation", she defended herself haughtingly

"Please banker. You are a scaredy cat. Just admit it."

"No. I am not." 

"Yes, you are. You should have seen your face.", I mocked her more. I was not sure why but I enjoyed enticing these reactions out of her. That was the most entertaining thing I got to do in Delhi till now. 

"NO!! NO!! NO!! Please don't think just because you are my boss, I will accept everything you say."

"Oh, in the past one week that I have known you, I have  not even for one second had that misconception. All you have done is defy me. How can I expect you to accept everything  I say."

"Sir, I do not want to argue with someone who can't accept he was wrong"

"When was I wrong, banker? Were you not scared out of your wits right now? Hmm?", I said moving a step closer to her. 

"Um, maybe, um, I don't know. Okayy? I have to go. Goodnight." she said and started  to walk away from me.

I looked at her and laughed to myself. She was a total nutjob. It was very easy to annoy her. I really needed to divert my mind from all the marriage stuff and this helped me with that. My mind was at a much better place when I finally went to sleep that day. 

Next day, it was another story. I woke up feeling dreadful. The whole fiasco was very much spinning in my mind from the second I woke up. I did not talk to anyone and headed straight for the office after getting ready. I picked up my breakfast & coffee from Starbucks on the way. My mood was already off and on top of that, I found the errors in the files infront of me. More than a few of the employees had to face my wrath throughout the day. I do not usually loose my cool at my employees but when I do, it is very hard for me to spare them any mercy. 

I was going to my office  after taking a meeting with the marketing team when I saw a girl standing beside a cubicle and chatting with that person. That girl was dressed a little too provacatively for a professional place, her tight dress clinging to all the right places. She looked hot but that was not the way to dress in an office. I waited for a  minute for her to return to her place. I really got mad when she kept on chatting & laughing, clearly being unproductive in her office hours. I walked nearer and guess who it was she was chatting with? Yes, Ms Banker! 

"You two! In my cabin. Now.", I said to them sternly. 

They were shocked to see me and followed me to my cabin nervously.

Once inside, I asked, "Is gossiping a part of your office duties?"

They both kept mum. It sure like Ms Banker wanted to say something spiteful but kept her mouth shut. 

"I guess it's not. I sure do not pay you for gossiping in the office. Being unproductive in the office hours is a loss to the company. May be a day's salary should be deducted from your dues "

"Sir, every one takes a few minutes break here and there and this was just that. It is not like we were chatting for a long time", Ms banker said looking me in the eyes. This really exasperated me.

"Don't you dare argue with me when you clearly are at fault here. It will take me 2 seconds to terminate you if-"

"But sir, I was-", she dared to interrupt me. 

"Shut up. Now. People like you never learn. Only know how to argue. I am so thankful that I did not select you as the head of the Finance team. Clearly, that would be a huge mistake. You waste your office time in gossiping and arguing and do the bare minimum work possible.", I spat at her. "Get out. Now. Both of you."

I saw Ms banker's shocked & upset expression before she left. The other girl just looked scared. 

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