5. Shut Up, Ammu!

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Amruta's POV

I got up with a heaviness weighing me down. Today was supposed to be my first day as the head of my department but I was still a financial analyst and I was not exactly on good terms with my new boss, who by the way, was a 8 year old child in a man's body. He may be great at his work but he proved he was very immature and arrogant. Sighing heavily, I told myself Viraj Singh Ahuja is not who I want to think about first thing in the morning. 

I got ready and reminded myself that it is a new day, a new beginning and I have to make the most of it. I will not let a setback deter me from my goal. I will prove to my Mr. Ahuja that he made a mistake. I made myself a moong dal chilla and adrak wali chai and sat down on the balcony chair to enjoy my breakfast. Looked like the penthouse was getting ready pretty quick. I knew that only a very well to-do  family could afford to purchase that penthouse, like the Ahujas. But, I bet their behavior was better than my boss, Mr. Ahuja. His arrogance & haughtiness was unwatched. 

"Stop thinking about that khadus singhdana Ammu", I reminded myself & almost laughed at the name I gave him, singhdana. "Where did that come from?" LOL. After having my breakfast, I left for the office. 

Once in my cubicle, the feeling of dismay hit me again and I almsot started to cry again. Almost. I regained my composure and tried to concentrate on the reports I needed to submit on Friday. Too much do in 4 days! I was busy deep in my work, when my colleague & friend Vani walked up to me. 

"Ammu, where were you last evening? I waited for you for like 10 minutes before leaving. Your phone was switched off too"

"Oh, I was in the first floor for some work.", I lied 

"Acha, by the way what do you think about our new boss?"

"What about him? He seems like the king of jerkville!", I said a little too loudly. 

"Why would you say that? He is so gorgeous I could not move my eyes off him.", she said excitedly like a fangirl. 

"Ugh, please. He may be good looking from the outside but he got a black heart.", I could not help but feel my temper rise a little.

"Stop being so dramatic! Just wait & watch, I will win him over", she smiled and walked to her cubicle. 

It was obvious, Vani had lost it. She was insane. How could she even think like that? I hope she does not get hurt by that Singhdana. With that I immersed myself in my work again. 

It was after 3 pm that I got called in Mr. Ahuja's office. I wondered what did he want from me now? Did he plan to take away my job now? That thought was real scary. I could not afford to lose my job. I did nothing to deserve it. Apprehensively, I knowcked on his cabin door. 

"Come in."

Taking a deep breath, I stepped inside his office. He was looking down on some files and did not acknowledge my presense. I waited for a good few minutes and when the silence got too uncomfortable I said, "You called for me, Mr Ahuja?"

He looked up at me with an annoyed expression, "Mr. Ahuja? Why would you call me that?"

Huh? I guess he was insane too. "Is that not your name?", I said sarcastically 

"It is. So is my father's and my cousin's. Just call me Virat Sir." he said casually.

I nodded in agreement. "Singhdana", I muttered to myself. 

"What?", he asked looking at me.

"Nothing. I-I said nothing."

"Hmm. Please sit down. I needed to talk to you." 

I sat down across him and waited for him to speak up. 

"So, Amrita, I saw-"

"Amruta, not Amrita", I taunted. I really could not help it.

"It is all the same. So, stop inter-", he started to stay but I cut him off."

"It is not the same. You can't tell me how to pronounce my name." I almost huffed. I should have shut up but I could not. My irritation was on face, I was sure of that. 

"You know what? Forget it. Just leave" He said rather indignantly 

"FINE", I said in the same tone and walked out of his room. 

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