13. Queen of the Universe?

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Virat's P.O.V

I woke up on Saturday with a heavy head. I did not get good sleep the last night. My mind was clouded with the marriage thing. It was something I failed to get out of. I did not have a single clue about the turn my life was going to take in the next few days. Who knew what kind of a person I was supposed to get married to? I did not have a say in the biggest decision of my life. If the horoscopes match perfectly, it would not matter even if that girl was a murderer. My mother would force me to marry her. It would not matter even if I get repulsed by her, I would be forced her nevertheless. I needed to ask Guruji a middle way. I could not live by life like that. 

As if all my personal troubles were not enough, now banker threatened me with a new job offer. Ok, she did not threaten me but you get the gist. She might have not accepted it yet but she looked quite happy with it. I had been avoiding her the past few days after the fiasco that went down in the club. She had no clue about it but I felt somewhat guilty on seeing her. But, I could not afford to do that anymore. I needed to have a discussion with her on Monday. I could not afford to lose her. I meant an employee like her. Monday might be too late already, I needed to talk to her today. I knew it was a holiday but we were neighbours & I was sure she could manage sometime with me today. 

At breakfast, everyone seemed to have forgotten how messed up thing were. They planned my wedding and stuff as if it was all normal. My aunt, Deepika mami was the most excited. It did not even look like she knew the exact situation. I tried to keep quiet but my patience ran out after sometime and I said, " Can you all please stop pretending that this is all normal?"

"Beta, we are trying to make it as normal as possible.", my Bebe said trying to pacify my anger.

"Yes, Virat. We can not do anything but go forward with this. Why not accept it and be happy?", my Mom said. 

"Mom, it is easy for you all. For me, it is hell! I cannot imagine being tied down to someone for life who would be a stranger to me. I would not even get some time to actually get  to know the girl.", I said and stormed out of the dining area. 

I went to Shekhi's home right after that. He was the only one who understood the disaster my life had become. At least, with him I could be real about my emotions without any inhibitions. We did not actually talk about it all much, we started a movie instead. Just to chill and not worry about the inevitable. My mom had called me multiple times but I was too pissed to respond. She then called Shekhi to confirm if I was with him. Once confirmed, she relaxed and stopped calling me. We both just hung out in his apartment watching movies and eating pizza. It was 5 pm before I realised it. I remembered I needed to talk to Banker about the job. I did not have her number but Shekhi did, so I took it from her and texted her on Whatsapp.

Me: Heyy

She replied almost immidiately: Hi?

Me: I was hoping to meet you today. 

Banker: I am not sure I know you. 

Huh? I told you, she was a lunatic! Oh, understood. She did not have my number and could not see my DP yet. 

Me: Banker, I really need to see you today. It is important. 

Banker: Oh, its you! Yes, sir? Should I come down to the building compound?

I thought about it. It would not be the appropriate place for a professional discussion. I needed some privacy and there would be too many people around in the compund until after 9 pm. 

Me: I was thinking to go out for a coffee.

Before she could reply back, I sent her another message: For official discussion, of course. 

I did not want to take any chances. She already misjudged my intentions about her friend once. 

Banker: Sure. Text me the time and place

Me: Be ready at 6 pm. I will pick you up. 

She simply liked my message. 

"Why are you smiling at your phone", Shekhi asked 

"I was- I- just a funny video.", I lied

"Hmm, if you say so." , Shekhi looks skeptical.

I pulled over my car at sharp 6 pm infront of our apartment. Ms Banker was nowhere in sight. I opened Whatsapp and saw that her DP was visible to me. It was a selfie of her smiling brightly at the camera. I started to type in a message but heard a knock on the car window. It was Ms Banker. 

I unlocked the car door to let her in. 

"What took you so long?", I asked her

"So long? It is 6:02 pm."

"Exactly. You are 2 minutes late.", I said starting the car. 

"Two minutes late." she imitated me in a mocking way

"Listen, Ms. Banker don't forget I am your boss who came all the way here to pick you up."

"All the way here? You live here. You came down from your penthouse. That's it.", she taunted. She did not know I was at Shekhi's place and the cafe I was planning to go, Fringe cafe, was in between both our homes. I did not want to tell her anyways. 

"So? I am still you boss who you kept waiting.", I said looking at her. 

"Arey! Eyes on the road. Have you gone mad?", she yelled at me, terrified!

"Mad? You dare call your boss mad?", Five minutes in and she already managed to make me furious. 

"What else could I have done? You are risking our lives. I do not want to die in a car. Certainly not with you.", she said all riled up

"Not with me? Really? I was waiting my entire life to die in a car crash with you. Huh. Who do you think you are?"

"I am Amruta Bhavani Chitnis", she said in a way as if she was the Queen of the universe. This woman had some nerves. Who faught with their boss like that all the freaking time? Only one person. Miss Chitnis. I did not escalate the matter beyond that. It was a silly thing to argue over and I knew she would not show any courtesy & stop arguing. 

When we reached Cafe Fringe, Banker looked at me questioningly. "Now what?", I asked.

"You did not tell me we were supposed to come here"


"So I am not dressed as per the occasion. I can't go in there.", she said making a face like a small child. 

"Why not? Does not matter if your clothes align with their usual style

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"Why not? Does not matter if your clothes align with their usual style. You look perfect. Please, let's just go inside." It was true. Amruta's usual dressing style was more traditional and she carried all her dresses gracefully. She looked pretty good. 

After a few moments of convincing, we finally went inside. I was a regular in there and was taken to my usual table. There were only a few other people other than us. The main traffic at the cafe started after 8 pm. Once we were seated and placed our order, Banker started to take out her laptop. 

"What are you doing? Why did you get your laptop here?", I asked her

"It was a work discussion so I thought I might need it."

"God, Ms Banker! Keep it inside." Once she did it, I said, "Well, I wanted to talk to you about the new job offer you got."

She looked up at me in shock. Surely, she did not expect me to ask about that. 

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