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I heard he shout.I turn back and suddenly I saw Mark running towards me.I want to ask why but before I ask he say,
"At least....lets go eat breakfast with me...jebal?" he make his best agiyo.Aish..he's cute and I can't turn him down so I accept his invitation.We get out of the XX Airport and take a cab.In the cab,I saw Mark,he wear a black mask that cover half of his face.I wonder why.
"Hey...why you wear that thing?" I say while pointing at the mask
"I....I'm freezing.." he say..I just nodded

'I think now is can he cold?' I say in my heart and think about it

While I think about it,we arrive at a bubble tea cafe.We enter the cafe and we found an empty seat and head there.Then a waitress come and take our order.We order 2 chocolate bubble tea and 2 plate of toast.I look at Mark,he don't say anything and an important thing,he didn't take off his mask.I feel even curious about it.After a few minutes,our breakfast finally come.I thank the waitress and the waitress go.

"Ah!...I feel comfortable right now.." finally Mark open his mouth and take off his mask.
"You don't say anything from the feel awkward you know..haha" I laugh
" come here to search for who?" he ask 
"I don't find anyone" I simple answer that
"Then?You come here as a tourist?" he ask again while take a sip of his bubble tea
"No..I come find something precious for me.Something make me remember myself.My true self.Something make me.....feel....different" I say put my fork and spoon down look out,through the window.


She say it sadly.I can see sad beginning and ending in her eyes.I bet that thing that she find is very important to her.I bet she don't have nowhere to go.
"You have place to go?" I ask to confirm it
"I don't plan anything.I just come here without anything.Just money,phone and myself.Yea.." she answer with sad tone.
"How about....." before I end my word,someone shout for my name.



I heard a few boys called Mark's name.I turn towards the voice and I saw a group of boys come in the shop.They wear the same mask as Mark.Then they head to our table.And I see the tallest one say,

" just go for 4 days and now you bring a girlfriend back here?" 
"n-..." I hear Mark want to say something but the guy  that wear a black hat say,
"Hey...what you guys talking about.She just my friend" 

"Oh!I think I should introduce myself then.My name is Kim Eun Ri.We meet in the plane"I bow then they sit with us and take off their mask.They're so handsome and cute.They  introduce themself except a guy that wearing a lot of earring at his ears.I just wait until he say his name but he suddenly say,

"I'm sorry.I have to go to the toilet for a while.Sorry and excuse me" he bow and rush to the toilet.It awkward actually when I don't know his name.I can't talk to him freely

They order bubble tea and Mark discuss with them about me.I think they will never accept me but it is a shock news.They don't really mind about it.I don't have to think about my residence anymore.Then one of them got a message from someone.I think his name is Yugyeom,he say,Jackson,that guy who go to the toilet just now,say he wait in the car.So they decided to go home but before that they bring me to a big building that written JYP Ent..

'I think I've heard about this JYP Ent once when my  friend talk about k-pop.This entertainment have a very popular boygroup named Got7.Will I see them here?Wait but importantly....why we're here?I just follow them...until we arrive at one office.They ask me to wait outside of the office.I don't know what they're going to do.

I wait about 1 hour and I saw they come out with happy face.
" it is?" I ask worriedly.They look at each other and say.
"YES!" they make me feel nervous..I feel very happy.We talk and talk until I saw a picture at the wall in front of the stairs.Its written


And there have 7 guys...

'WAIT...a minute..those guys in the picture their face......'

I look at them and look at the picture for a few time and finally I realize...
"You alls...are..those...." I point at the picture and they node...I was suprised and about to yell but they cover my mouth
"I think you know already.Mianhae."Mark say 
"Whatever who are you...I just accept you as my friend.Now lets go" we head to the car and JB drove back to their dorm.

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