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I fall asleep on the couch.I can't believe that.

'I feel something hot in front of my face' that I though in my mind and make me open my eyes.I was shocked because it is Jackson.I sleep beside him!

'what happen?I just remember that I fall asleep in the living room while waiting for the others and now I sleep in his bedroom?what happen?' I say and immediately and get down the bed and make he wake up.

"Hey..you wake up already!" He say while fix his hair
"What happen?!Why I'm in your room?Tell me!What just happen?" I yell and backward a step
"Wo..Wo..Wo...nothing happen and I don't do anything.I just bring you here because I have to!And importantly,I don't have any interest with a girl like you!" he yell that make me keep silent.I get out of the room and run into my room.I jump on my bed and cry hard.

'I can't believe that guy!Erhhh!!I should not believe that guy...' 

Even though he didn't do anything to me...but..I wake up while he sleep beside me!That...that unforgivable either!


She say that I do bad thing to her.EXCUUUUSE ME?!I don't have any interest with a girl like that.Such a girl that never listen to my explanation either.I brought her to my room last night because her room have something wrong so Junior call the fixer to come and look her room maybe he can fix that.That all!Nothing more!Now I've been tag as a pervert at her eyes.And all of this is Mark Hyung's fault!Why she have to stay in my room.That annoyed girl!(He so mad until he's forget that he's the one who allowed Eun Ri sleep in his room)

I'm so lazy to think about it.It is my day off and I don't want to mess my head with such a thing.I go downstairs and see Youngjae is making breakfast at the kitchen.I greet him

"Hey...something bad happen?" he ask while flip the egg
"Everyday is bad for me but today is the baddest ever!" I tell him while put my fork on the plate
"You remember last night incident?That girl wake up this morning and tag me as a pervert!" I yell to let my anger out.Youngjae just laugh

After I and Youngjae prepare the breakfast and the table,all the member gather to eat together.It is so silent and suddenly Mark break the silent by asking about that girl
"I just realize.where Rin?" Mark stop eat his breakfast and lookup.Everybody just keep silent and continue eat their food and leave Mark with his question.I think maybe Mark can't take it anymore and go check for that girl.


I ask the other where Rin,but they just keep quiet about it.I decided to go and check her in her room.I arrive in front of the door and knock before I twist the knob and enter.I see,she put her pillow on her face and put blanket all over her body.I just laugh a little and go,sit on her bed.Then she look at me with a scary face..

'Why...her...face...be...like...that...?Its ....er...scary thought' I say while help her sit

"Are you okay?" I ask her as she sit comfortably but she don't answer me "Come on~tell me..I though...I'm your friend...tell me..if I can help,I'll help" I say again
"You know that pervert,he brought me to his room!And when I wake up,I saw he sleep beside me!Erhhhhhhh!!I can't believe that!" She yell and cross her hand while look out the window
"It seem like you don't know the whole story huh?Your room have some problem yesterday,our room is small.Just Jackson's room is bigger than us,so we decided to place you there.Sorry we don't wake you up,because we don't want to disturb you.Anyway,Jackson is not a bad guy.He offered to let you sleep in his room" I explain to her.I hope she will understand me.After I explain that,she just nod and silent for a while and go out of her room.

'Where she's going?' I follow her and I saw she head to Jackson's place and bow.


Mark explain everything to me.I think I've mistaken everything.I think,I'm the one who should say sorry.I stand and go out of my room,leave Mark there.I head to Jackson and bow.
"I'm sorry.I've misunderstand everything.I just don't let you explain it and I also call you pervert.I was quite shocked at that time and I-" before I finish my line,Jackson interrupt,

"I understand the situation.I know you was shocked about it.But..I still not forgive you because call me pervert.." he smirked.
"Ah~...ha..ha..ha" I fake a laugh for something...I still don't ask them about that girl.I really want to ask Mark just now but...I'm not in mood.Maybe sometime,I will.I promise myself to find my true self.I have to immediately find it.Why..when I want to ask,there always have problem?!

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