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Jackson's pov
'Let me go'

thats the word that I hear from her mouth.I can't wait anymore.All this time,I think I can make her happy but I just ruin it out.
My body automaticly kneel in front of her and the other member of Got7 follow me.Her face is full of shock.

Ah Yeon's pov

They kneel in front of me so suddenly.I'm very shock with their sudden action.
"No!stand up!People are looking over here!" I say and try to pull them up but they just stay like that.People are staring at us and whisper to each other.I don't know what to do until Jackson open his mouth to let out his word.

"I know you think this annoying but please listen to me.Just this one" he say with teary eyes.I just nod and wait for him to continue.

"All this time,since you come here,I don't recognize you because your name was different but I keep thinking about your face.A long time ago,i got into an accident and you leave me alone.I can't say what I keep in my heart all this time."

Then he come in front a little bit and take out a red box.He open it and say again,
"Will you be my girlfriend?I know I wasn't suppose to give this ring to you but I know you will never except me so please...except this ring?" he say while raise the box a little bit higher.

I take a deep breath and gather my words to say it out
"I-I can't except your feeling.I'm sorry"
I walk away but I feel a hand pull me.
"But can you except this ring?" Jackson say and wear it to me.I just keep silent and look down.Suddenly my hands hug him tight.I don't know what I'm doing.I can't except him in my life but I still hug him.He hug me back.After a few minutes,I release the hug and ready to walk away.
"I'm sorry and thank you cause take care of me all this time" I smile.

Jackson's Pov

"I'm sorry and thank you cause take care of me all this time" she turn his head and smile.Her smile,I will miss that.Then I lost her shadow as she walk away and leave me.This time,she leave me and she will never come back.I will wait for her even though I know its impossible.

"Then your love story end here" JB say while hold my shoulder from back.
"No.Its just start" I say while look at her
"Nice to meet you Kim Ah Yeon.Thanks cause live in my heart.I'll wait for you" I say and wipe my tears away.My other member come and comfort me from my sadness.


Sob...sob...I cry when I write this.Anyway this is the last chapter.Thanks cause read my fanfic until the end.kamsahamnida.

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