31. Murtasimbakri, Lawnmower Extraordinaire

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A/N: Thank you for the all the love for the last chapter! With Chapter 31, we start the eight-part epilogue (which was supposed to be short, but then I started writing and it's no longer short). 

This is the last chapter in Murtasimbakri's POV. When I added in a pet goat (due to Meerab chasing the goats in the show), I never thought she'd grow into what she has, and that y'all would love Murtasimbakri and her POV chapters as much as many of you have. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for that! Onto the chapter! 


With all the flair of a queen surveying her realm, Murtasimbakri grazed along the verdant edges of the pool of her new adobe as she thought about the weeks that had passed. Her mouth diligently worked the grass. It was her new domain, her territory to maintain – and maintain it she did with a few robust chews and the occasional head toss, especially when the blades were particularly stubborn.

If you asked Murtasimbakri Rangeeli Ahmed-Khan, humans were quite the odd spectacle. Recently, her humans had thrown a grand bash, a sort of all-you-can-eat buffet with an open invitation for people dressed in shiny clothes, something called "marriage" – which, as far as Murtasimbakri was concerned, was just a socially acceptable way to announce one's mating intentions.

Human Dad and Human Mom were only asking for permission to mate – from whom, she had no idea. Perhaps it was the man with the beard on the stage that had talked a whole lot as Human Mom and Human Dad made eyes at each other.

The whole concept baffled her. Inside the magic box that showed human lives, humans mated without any such fuss or fanfare, yet her parents had thrown a lavish multi-day party before doing what came naturally to any sensible creature.

She let out a bleat that was the very epitome of confusion. Humans and their complexities!

But oh, the wedding itself had been quite the shindig! She had strutted about in her very own ensemble, a petite version of Human Mom and Human Dad's attire. This, she knew, signified her importance – it was her duty to make sure the marriage happened since she was the reason they were together in the first place!

Through the whispers and giggles of the guests, she had gleaned that a marriage was the antithesis of the dreaded divorce. And it was splendid! A marriage meant permanence, and Murtasimbakri was all for permanence, especially if it involved keeping her humans together – she never wanted to be the child of divorced parents again, custody agreements were no fun.

After the qubool hais, she watched as Human Dad, with an air of solemn triumph, bestowed upon Human Mom a lick on the forehead, a silent oath of eternal togetherness, witnessed by an audience of teary-eyed onlookers.

What a peculiar yet heartwarming ritual!

Gone were the days of sneaking about for a covert lick or two. Now, according to the sly looks exchanged, there were no more hurdles to their affection – not that Murtasimbakri had understood the need for such privacy in the first place for something so natural.

The pre-wedding whispers from Human Dad's friends had hinted at mating, mating that followed licking in their words. Oh, how she yearned to understand! After all, knowledge was power, even for a goat of her esteemed intellect and stature, she wanted varied opinions.

But just when the explanations grew interesting, Human Dad, ever the spoilsport, had shushed his friends.

Human Dad's friends were an interesting bunch, far better than Human Mom's friends, she mused, who had engaged in what appeared to be a strange human ritual: they had snatched Human Dad's shoes and whisked them away, effectively barricading her parents from mating.

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