33. 25, 28

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A/N: And just like that, Meerab and Murtasim are parents to an adorable little Meesam in part 3 of our epilogue (can't believe MM Meesam beat UM Meesam into this world, hehe)! I hope y'all enjoy this chapter, see you on the other side! 


In the nursery, colored in soft pastels and filled with the gentle sounds of music, Meerab's voice echoed with a touch of urgency. "Meesam! No!" she exclaimed as her nine-month-old daughter determinedly crawled toward the closet, her tiny hands reaching for the books lined neatly on the lower shelves.

Meesam, undeterred by her mother's call, giggled and pulled at the spines, sending a few books tumbling down. Meerab sighed, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth despite the mess. It was nearly impossible to look away for even a second without Meesam venturing into something adventurous.

Murtasim's laughter filled the room, warm and light-hearted as he watched his daughter's antics. "What are you doing, princess?" he cooed, his voice softening in that special way he reserved only for Meesam. He crawled over to the bookshelf, his large frame surprisingly graceful on the floor, as he began to stack the books back onto the shelf.

Meesam watched him for a moment and then, with a delighted squeal, she pivoted and started crawling away in the opposite direction. Murtasim followed, playing their favorite game. He mimicked her movements, crawling after her on hands and knees. She would crawl a bit, stop to make sure he was still following, then giggle and crawl faster as he pretended to chase her, making exaggerated monster sounds.

"Go to ammi," Murtasim directed playfully as Meesam approached Meerab.

With a wide smile, Meerab opened her arms as Meesam clambered into her lap, her little body warm and energetic. Murtasim lay down next to them on the soft nursery rug, his eyes twinkling with mirth. He gently lifted Meesam from Meerab's lap and placed her on his chest, pretending to eat her chubby legs.

Meesam's laughter filled the nursery, her delightful babbles of "Ba-Ba-Ba" mingling with the sounds of their play.

Meerab leaned in closer, watching Meesam play with the buttons on Murtasim's shirt, her tiny fingers exploring the textures curiously, occasionally glancing up to gauge her parents' reactions with a bright smile.

Meerab lay exhausted on the plush carpet, her head resting comfortably on Murtasim's bicep as she snuggled against him. She sighed deeply, her voice a mixture of fatigue and fondness. "I am so tired, she's way too active," she confessed.

Murtasim looked at his wife, a playful glint in his eyes. "She goes after her mother," he teased lightly, eliciting another sigh from Meerab as she adjusted Meesam's shirt, which was riding up her tiny, round tummy.

With a gentle affection that never seemed to wane, Murtasim leaned over and pressed a tender kiss to Meerab's temple. Meerab couldn't help but snort softly when Meesam, sensing perhaps a momentary lapse in attention, squealed and released the button of Murtasim's shirt she had been diligently playing with.

In a burst of energy, Meesam clumsily crawled up Murtasim's body, nestling comfortably between her parents atop Murtasim's arm. She leaned her head against her father, emitting a high-pitched screech of delight.

"I think she means mine," Murtasim chuckled, his laughter deep and warm as he began to tickle Meesam, who squirmed and giggled under the affectionate assault of her father's fingers.

Meerab laughed along, her heart swelling with joy at the sight of her little family together. "I love how possessive she is," she commented, amusement lacing her tone. It was true; anytime Meerab and Murtasim shared a moment of intimacy, Meesam would inevitably insert herself, demanding her share of attention with an assertive charm that was all her own.

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