24. 22, 25 - Part 11

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A/N: Helllllo! Thank you for all the love for the last chapter, we're onto the next, with lots of fluff, and some plot as we start moving towards wrapping things up! This chapter is over 12K words and 20 pages. See you on the other side!


In Murtasim's mind, the ticking of the clock had become the enemy. Each passing moment was a cruel reminder that he had to get Meerab home by 8pm. It had been too long since he'd allowed himself the luxury of her presence, and now that he had it, he wished for nothing more than to stop time itself. The thought of spending time away from her was suddenly unbearable, the joy and lightness that filled his soul with her by his side was an addiction.

As he carefully placed their prizes—Sher, the stuffed lion he had won her and Meerabilli, the angry kitten he had picked for himself—into the backseat of his car, her laughter filled the air. He couldn't help but secure the stuffed animals with the seatbelt, knowing that the action would amuse her even more. Her giggles were music to his ears, transporting him back to days spent in the echoing hallways of the village haveli, where her laughter was a delightful distraction that he secretly cherished.

Closing the car door after ensuring their fluffy companions were snugly buckled in, Murtasim turned to find Meerab's gaze fixed on him. There was something about the way she looked at him, with a smile that seemed to light up the darkening evening, that stole his breath away every single time. Her beauty, her grace, everything about her captivated him in ways he struggled to articulate with her so close.

As he caught her eye, he knew she felt the same. Because he saw the familiar signs of her reaction to his closeness—a blush spreading across her cheeks, her breath coming a bit faster, a delicate shiver running through her despite the warmth of the evening. It was a dance that been playing between them since the moment they reconnected, each step bringing them closer, each glance laden with unspoken desires and the promise of what could be.

It drove him absolutely mad, this dance of proximity and the reactions it elicited from both of them. In those moments, Murtasim felt a connection so intense it threatened to consume him, a yearning not just for her body but for her soul, for the laughter and light she brought into his life.

As Murtasim opened the car door for Meerab, a quick glance around confirmed that the parking lot was mostly empty, ensuring a semblance of privacy. The location of her door, hidden from any casual observer's view, seemed to offer a fleeting opportunity he hadn't anticipated but now desperately wanted to seize.

As she stepped in between the door, without a second thought, he reached out, his fingers wrapping gently around her hand. With a soft tug, he guided her to turn towards him, following close behind until she was effectively trapped between the car door, the car itself, and the imposing frame of his body.

"M-murtasim," she uttered, her voice laced with shock, her wide eyes meeting his. There was an unmistakable note of surprise in her tone, as if his approach had caught her off guard.

"Meerab," he responded, his voice low, noting the flustered expression on her face. Her eyes flitted between his, a rosy blush spreading across her cheeks, possibly accentuated by the hue of her kameez, rendering her even more enchanting under the dim parking lot lights.

"What are you doing?" she inquired, her voice pitched slightly higher.

"You owe me something," he whispered back, the proximity of their bodies amplifying the tension between them.

Confusion flickered across her face, prompting a low chuckle from him. "I won at bowling, didn't I?" he teased.

Her reaction was immediate; her eyes widened, possibly even more than he thought possible, lending her an innocence and vulnerability that was utterly captivating.

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