𝐓 𝐖 𝐄 𝐍 𝐓 𝐘 - 𝐓 𝐇 𝐑 𝐄 𝐄

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Dinner went smoothly with no problems. We talked about school and Bella and Valencia talked about a shopping spree.

Nick looked bored and didn't really talked much tonight, only when he wants to ask questions about me and Valencia's relationship.

"We should totally have a movie night, next week sometime." Bella said with a grin and Valencia smiled at her.

"Yeah, we should." She said that with a smile but it came out flat.

"Great! I'll send you guys the details." She smiled and leaned against Nick.

When the waiter came back Valencia asked for a separate bill so she could pay for our dinner. I kinda felt bad that she's paying so much money for this dinner. I can't even give her twenty dollars since I don't have that.

After we payed we all walked out of the restaurant, me and Valencia's hands intertwined together as we walked. I made sure to take the box chocolates that Bella gave me but I'm still sceptical about it, but luckily it's still sealed.

"Well thank you for tonight, I really enjoyed it." I said with a smile. At least I'm being nice and polite since I didn't want to be here tonight like at all.

"Of course, we'll see you guys at school." Bella and Valencia hugged each other goodbye and me and Nick just stood there awkwardly until they were done.

"Bye." I waved at them as I made my way back to Valencia's car. She unlocked the car and I immediately climbed into the passenger seat.

"Well that went surprisingly well." Valencia said with a sigh. I hummed and didn't say anything.

"Thank you for paying." I said softly and she gave me a soft smile.

"It's the least I could do since I dragged you into this." She motioned between us making me chuckle.

"Yeah." She started the car and drove off into the main road.

"It's just weird that Bella gave me this chocolates." I waved the box of chocolates in the air and Valencia shrugged.

"She does that sometimes, she likes to give people things." She explained and I nod.

"You want one?" I asked as I began to open the box of chocolates. It's says on the box that it's plain chocolate. I shrugged to myself and popped one in my mouth, the flavours bursting into my mouth.

"It's delicious." Valencia chuckled at my face expression.

"Give me one." She put her hand out and I gave her one.

She put the radio on for some music since the car is a little bit silent since none of us are talking.

I ate two more of the chocolates and gave Valencia another one and then put them away.

After a few minutes of driving I can feel myself to sweat and my throat starts to close.

I cleared my throat a few times before I start to feel my airways starting to close.

Oh fuck!

Was there strawberries in the chocolate's?!!

I rubbed my throat and I can see in the corner of my eye that Valencia is looking at me worriedly.

"Ezra, what's wrong?" She asked worriedly and I grabbed my throat feeling myself loosing oxygen.

When she saw this she quickly pulled over on the side of the road.

"Allergic reaction." I whispered out, I pointed at my jeans pocket for my epipen.

"Epipen." I chocked out.

She looked at me with panicked eyes as she immediately searched my jean pockets. I can feel her cold hands through my jeans making contact with my skin.

I think when she searched in a hurry she accidentally hit the side of my dick with her fingers but that's the least of my problems right now since I'm busy dying.

"Leg." My eyes are wide when I pointed at my leg. She quickly took the cap off and punched the epipen in my leg making me shut my eyes at the painful feeling.

After a few seconds I felt my airways open and I suck in a deep breath of oxygen as I slumped back into the car seat.

"Fuck." I curse and I felt cold hands cupping my cheeks.

"Shit, are you okay!" She looked at me with scared eyes and I can see she's shaken up by what just happened. Her hands are shaking against my cheeks and her eyes are frantically shaking from my face to my body.

"I'm fine." My voice came out raspy and she nods with wide eyes.

"Fuck, you scared me." She let go of my cheeks as she slumped back into her seat, releasing a sigh of relief.

"What caused this, you didn't ate strawberries." She whispered to herself. My heart swelled when she said that.

She remembers when I told her what I'm allergic to.

"The chocolates." She snatched the box angrily from my hands and read the ingredients.

"They say there's no strawberries in here." Her angry expression meet my fearful ones.


She did this on purpose. What the fuck?! How does she know I'm allergic to strawberries?!

"Bella tried to fucking kill me!" I said angrily and Valencia's jaw clenched as she balled up her fist.

"I'm gonna kill a bitch tonight." She said coldly and I shrink back.

I've never seen Valencia this pissed before, no she's livid she's fuming.

"Don't worry I'll sort her out." She said angrily and drove off again.

"How does she know I'm allergic to strawberries, Valencia?" I asked as I looked at her profile.

Damn she has a strong jawline.

So fucking sexy.

No! Stop!

"We had a sleepover one night and she was curious about you, so I told her what I knew." She replied softly but I can sense her anger from a mile away.

"Oh." I muttered and looked away to the window.

After a few minutes she parked outside of my house and sighed angrily.

"Be careful okay, I'll see you Monday." She said softly as she looked at me.

I nodded with a shy smile. I hope I don't regret about what I'm about to do.

I leaned over and kissed her cheek softly. Her cheek got a little pink as she blushed.

"Thank you." I say softly and she nods.

"Of course." I smile at her and say my goodbyes to her and watch as she drives off.

What a night.


~ R

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