Chapter 2

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"Heather Scott!" Nora shrieked, unable to believe it. "Did you sleep with Kalem Taylor? The sugar cube of the university Lacrosse team?"

"Sugar cube?" I turned my gaze from the open book in my hands. "Is that what they call him?"

We were alone in the campus women's bathroom because the blonde wanted me to spill the tea. She stood in front of one of the mirrors, fixing her hair, while I sat on the bathroom sink reading a book with a laid-back attitude.

"That's what his own team calls him," Nora explained. "Give me the dirty details, how was it?"

"Those kinds of details, I keep to myself, blonde," I gave her a sideways smile, and she snorted. "But I can say he kisses amazingly. His lips are so soft."

"I'm glad you had fun at the party," she said, with a look that told me she wanted to ask me something.

"What is it?" I raised an eyebrow as I closed the book.

"Well?" She gave me that knowing smile.

"Well what?"

"Aren't you planning on seeing him again?"

"With Kalem Taylor?" I shook my head. "I made it clear it was just a one-night fling."

"Well, apparently, it wasn't clear enough to him," she chuckled, pointing to the pink orchids sitting next to me on the sink.

"They say pink orchids are a declaration," I said, picking them up.

"You've got him hooked, Heather," she smiled, giving me a playful pat on the leg. "Will you give him a chance?"

"Me? Date someone who isn't one of my fictional characters?" I laughed as I hopped off the sink, taking the flowers with me. "Nah, it's not in my plans right now."

We left the bathroom and walked through the campus hallways. As we passed by the reception, I placed the pink orchids in a vase. It was lunchtime, so we headed to the cafeteria.

"I can't deny he's adorable and hot, but I don't want anything serious. Besides, Kalem has been following me around all week," I sighed. "He's like a mosquito thirsty for my blood."

We got our lunch and sat at one of the tables.

"You and your animal references," she laughed. "You're weird."

"I'll take that as a compliment," I smiled, shrugging.

"But it doesn't have to be something serious. You could be friends with benefits," she elbowed me with a playful smile.

"I'll have to sleep on it, but if I fall asleep, I don't think there'll be an answer. So it's a no," I said and then took a sip of my orange juice.

"Hey, girl with the bad jokes," his deep voice startled me, causing me to cough, and the brown-haired guy gave me pats on the back.

"Oh, I'm having a fit," I clutched my chest. "Okay, okay. I'm fine," I gestured for him to stop the pats. Nora was holding back laughter while eating her lunch.

"Really?" he tilted his head to get a better look at my face. Even his gestures were adorable; the guy exuded sensuality and sweetness. Was that even possible?

"Really," I nodded, popping a couple of colorful gummy bears into my mouth. Kalem followed my every move, noting the gummy bears and spending more time looking at my lips. "And what brings you here, Kalem?" I asked, maintaining a laid-back attitude.

I had a weakness for these gummy bears. They were delicious.

Although the guy hadn't left my side all week, I didn't intend to treat him badly. Maybe in a few days, his interest in me would gradually fade away due to my indifference toward him.

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