Chapter 5

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"Thank goodness the little one didn't wander far," I sighed. He was sitting outside on his haunches, engrossed in watching an ant on the ground. I couldn't tell what melted my heart more—seeing that or watching Kalem as he lifted Khaled into his arms, hugging him protectively.

"I've told you not to wander off. Don't scare me like that," Kalem said, ruffling Khaled's hair. The boy was fidgeting, eager to get down and keep watching the ant.

"Let's go to the park, Kalem," the boy demanded, pulling on his brother's shirt. "Please?"

"We will, but first, let's get your things," Kalem replied as he set him down and took his small hand. I couldn't help but smile as I watched them.

We went back inside, with Kalem retrieving Khaled's backpack while I rushed to let Mom know we were done with our work and that I would be accompanying Kalem to the park. I didn't miss the little look my mom gave me—she was already shipping us. I was sure she was coming up with couple names for us in her mind.

This woman and her eagerness to pair me up with someone. You had to love her.

"Hey, wait up!" I called, closing the door behind me. They were a few steps ahead, and I ran to catch up, a little out of breath. "Oh boy, I need to exercise more regularly," I said, clutching my chest.

Khaled narrowed his eyes at me as if he didn't like me tagging along, while Kalem gave me one of his sweet smiles. From the subtle look of surprise in his eyes, I could tell he didn't expect me to join them.

"Finally decided to have a date with me, lazybones?" he said with a smirk.

"Yeah, keep dreaming, Taylor," I replied, playfully tapping his shoulder as we walked toward the park.

"Want to hold my hand?" he asked, raising it with a calm expression. I stared at him, trying to process it, but before I could respond, Khaled stepped in between us and took his brother's hand instead.

"No, you're too young for girlfriends, Kalem. Keep playing with cars with me," he said, giving Kalem a stern look. The brown-haired guy's lips curled into a smile.

"Protective," I said, laughing. "Reminds me of me when it comes to books or gummy bears."

"And when it comes to boyfriends?" he asked, curious.

The little guy kept turning his head from side to side every time we spoke. It was amusing to watch.

"I am, I won't deny it," I replied with a shrug.

"I'd like to see that," he murmured, just for me.

After walking for a while, we sat on one of the benches, talking and enjoying the calm atmosphere, keeping an eye on Khaled as he ran around the fountain, scaring away the pigeons.

I brought my feet up on the wooden bench, sitting sideways to get a better view of Kalem, hugging my legs. He rested one arm on the backrest, in a relaxed, carefree pose that made him look oh-so-tempting.

Very tempting.

Hot Kalem Taylor.

"Talk to me, Heather," he said. "I like listening to you."

"You're supposed to be the talkative one in this... situation," I replied, getting distracted by braiding a strand of my hair. I could feel his gaze on me.

"Did you say 'relationship,' Heather Scott? Do we have one? Tell me now so I can update my relationship status on social media," he said, prompting me to look up and find him smiling charmingly.

"It was just a figure of speech, don't pressure me, Taylor," I responded, focusing on his light blue eyes. The guy picked up a small pink flower that had fallen from the large tree above us. He decided it would be a good idea to tuck it into my hair, just above my ear.

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