Chapter 23

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I placed the small glass on the table, making it clink. I had downed it in one gulp, but that was a mistake. My throat burned, my forehead wrinkled, and I clutched my chest.

"Oh, dear lord. How can you drink this stuff? It hurts horribly and tastes awful. Alcohol is definitely not for me. Bad day to forget my water bottle," I said with a grimace. Then, looking at the bottle of alcohol on the table, I extended my glass. "Pour me another."

"Heather, are you sure?" Nora looked at me doubtfully but filled my glass halfway. I nodded. "Drink it slowly."

"You don't have to if you don't like it," Kalem's voice made me turn to him. He looked worried, his blue eyes fixed on mine. It was the first time he spoke to me that night.

The guys at the table were talking, but I could see them glancing our way occasionally, eager for gossip.

"I can make an exception. Besides, I've never been drunk. Why not tonight?" I shrugged and drank the liquid, but slower this time. My forehead wrinkled again, and I made a face.

I had drunk about four small glasses of alcohol and was already feeling dizzy and warm. I was grateful that Nora didn't leave me alone and joined in, though she seemed less affected than I was. I observed the girl who had tried to flirt with Kalem earlier; she was at her table with her friends, laughing and still eyeing him. When she invited him to dance, I felt a surge of jealousy, something I had been avoiding for a long time because I disliked it. I felt a great relief when Kalem kindly rejected her, like the sweet guy he was.

Though it seemed to only increase her interest.

I huffed, leaving the empty glass on the table.

This hot sugar cube. Why did he have to be so terribly attractive and sweet? Any girl would fall for him.

I had.

"Heather," he said. I loved how my name sounded when he said it. He leaned over the table, resting his elbows on it, his gaze assessing me. "Your cheeks are flushed. Are you sure you're okay? You don't need to drink too much your first time. Take it slow. Are you dizzy?"

I couldn't deny that seeing him worried about me melted me a little, a lot actually.

Unable to help it, I glanced at his lips and felt a strong urge to kiss him. I was sure it was the alcohol, that and the revealing white shirt he was wearing.

I shook my head to clear those thoughts, but it was impossible with him so close.

"I'm fine, Taylor," I lied, feeling relaxed. "Maybe my head is spinning, and this still tastes horrible, but I'm fine." I laughed, and the brunette didn't look convinced.

Nora and I started reminiscing about old times while refilling each other's glasses, laughing at everything and occasionally joining the guys' conversation.

"To our beautiful friendship!" we toasted, clinking our glasses.

"Let's dance, Nora, but I warn you now that I'll embarrass you, so prepare yourself mentally," I said excitedly, feeling full of energy.

"I'd join you, girl, but I'm feeling sleepy," she said, clinging to Charles' arm. The redhead smiled and wrapped his arm around her to make her comfortable. He asked if she wanted to leave, but she shook her head. "I'll stay here, Heather."

"What happened to our beautiful friendship?" I shook my head. "I'm going to check out the bar over there. I'm tired of sitting."

Nora nodded, and I stood up. As I did, I had to steady myself on the table from a slight dizziness, then laughed at it. Kalem started to get up to support me, but I stopped him.

Kalem's Kisses (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now