Chapter 15

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Days had passed since mom's birthday party, and my family still believed Kalem was my boyfriend despite my numerous denials. My grandma had asked for his social media to follow him, and my cousins didn't miss the chance either.

I was walking around the green surroundings of the university with Nora by my side while holding the book I was reading.

"Heather, you're going to fall if you don't take your eyes off the pages," my best friend said, linking her arm with mine to guide me and prevent any accidents. "I wish Charles would look at me the way you look at those pages of paper," she sighed exaggeratedly, making me turn to her with a furrowed brow.

"What are you talking about? If that redhead looks at you like I do with my books," I replied.

"I know, I just wanted you to pay attention to me," she smiled innocently, leaning closer to me.

I shook my head and put the book in my backpack hanging over my shoulder. I put my hands in the pockets of my sweater and felt the paper between my fingers. I took it out, immediately catching Nora's attention.

"Wow, what's that? Did you make it?" she asked.

"It's a blue rose, Kalem gave it to me this morning," I said, not taking my eyes off her as we continued walking.

"Ah, your sweet candy," she smiled, poking my abdomen, making me roll my eyes.

"He's not my candy."

"But you sure enjoy him secretly," she said teasingly.

"Nora," I complained, looking around.

"Ash, but it's the truth. The guy turned out to be so sweet, I wasn't going to tell you, but James and I are already thinking about what your ship name will be," Nora looked excited.

"There's no, and there won't be any ship. I can assure you," I said completely serious, but Nora didn't seem to believe me.

"Why do I feel like you're trying to convince yourself more than me?"

"Your illusions."

"Sure," she elongated the 'o' on purpose.

We continued our walk as we had free time before our next class started.

"Do you know what a blue rose means?" I asked, playing with the paper figure in my hands. She shook her head. "They say they are the hardest to find, and they are a sign of trust. Kalem is this blue rose, and he's trying to tell me that I can trust him."

"Aww. The guy wants to get serious with you," Nora stopped and stood in front of me. She held onto my arms and shook me as if trying to reason with me. "He's sending you messages with flowers, isn't that sweet, Heather?"

"It is. Taylor gives me good material for my novels, but I can't offer him more than just friendship."

Nora nodded in understanding and released her grip on my arms.

"Did Kalem make the blue rose?" she asked, looking at it.

"Yes, it seems he's good at origami."

"Do you know what that means?" She gave me a look that I didn't understand. "That he's good with his hands."

Nora burst into laughter at the expression on my face at that moment.

"You're blushing, Heather Scott!"

"Of course not!"

"Your mouth may lie to me, but your cheeks give you away," she laughed, and I gave her a wry look. Suddenly her laughter subsided, and her gaze focused on something behind me. "But look who's coming over there."

Kalem's Kisses (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now