Chapter 33

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After our date in the park, we decided to head to his house as dusk began to settle in. We found ourselves in his room, on the brink of engaging in activities both indecent and worthy of the novels I wrote, but a little hurricane knocked on the door because he was hungry, and we had to go downstairs for dinner.

That little one still had something against me, though it was milder than before. I still remembered the time he growled at me in distrust. So adorable.

I sat in the swivel chair at his desk, sliding from side to side since his room was huge, while Kalem, clad only in his jeans, rummaged through one of his clothing drawers searching for a shirt.

"Heather, don't hurt yourself," he said, approaching me with a shirt in hand. Ignoring his warning, I only smirked mischievously, so he gently stopped the chair. Standing in front of me, he placed his hand on my cheek and ran his thumb over my lower lip temptingly. "Stay still, little writer."

"You know I don't like to stay still," I said, smiling coyly, as I slowly traced my hands over his defined abdomen. I felt Kalem's breath grow heavier, his gaze unwavering. "And neither do you," I added, beginning to plant kisses on his abdomen.

"Heather," he sighed, closing his eyes and savoring the sensation of my lips on his skin. "You know we have to go downstairs for dinner."

"We can take a little longer," I smiled, batting my eyelashes at him. Kalem ran a hand through his hair as a warm smile spread across his face.

"Don't do that. You know I love it when you look at me like that, and I can't say no," he leaned towards me, placing his hand near my neck and bringing his lips close to mine. "You're naughty, Heather del Socorro."

"And I can be even naughtier," I interrupted him, closing the distance to kiss him eagerly, a desire I'd had since I first saw him in his intern uniform.

The kiss grew hotter, mirroring the atmosphere in his room. Without breaking the kiss, I stood up from the chair and made him walk backward, stepping away from the brunette to push him gently onto the edge of his bed. His smile seemed unerasable, and his sky-blue eyes held that mischievous sparkle awaiting me.

I trailed my hands slowly over his legs, then his athlete's abdomen, intentionally lingering longer, until I reached his shoulders. Kalem seemed to be enjoying my touch because his breathing was a mess. I straddled his lap, and he wasted no time in placing his hands on my behind.

"We can take more time," he whispered, leaning towards my neck.

"Now you want to?" I chuckled softly.

"I always do," he replied, starting to kiss my neck.

Hearing him say that with his deep voice felt terribly hot, so I ran my hands into his hair, letting him kiss my neck. I felt one of his hands travel up my waist under my shirt, and I sighed as it reached the edge of my bra, his hand resting on top of my chest.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door, which had the latch, shattering the bubble we were in.

"Kalem, my stomach hurts, and it's making weird noises, let's go eat!" The little individual kept tapping on the door.

"I'm already eating," he whispered, still distracted with his hands on me.

"Don't you dare say that, Kalem Taylor," I opened my eyes, a mixture of concern and amusement. The brunette let out a small laugh.

"We're coming," he spoke loudly so his brother could hear.

Kalem gave me a short kiss on the lips and lifted me with his strong arms, gently placing me on the side of his bed while he put on his shirt.

Kalem's Kisses (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now