Chapter 19

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After breakfast, Kane had come to pick up Kalem and the little guy to take them to the airport. The brunette said goodbye to me outside his house and seemed reluctant to let go of me. I assured him that everything would be okay regarding his grandfather, then I got into Dad's car, which I had arrived in, and I could see him give me a tired little smile through the rearview mirror as I drove away.

"Everything will be fine, Kalem."

Three days passed, it was Monday again, and Kalem hadn't returned as he said he would. He had decided to stay for a week with his grandfather, who was a bit weak, but having his two grandchildren seemed to give him more energy.

The sugar lump was like a ray of sunshine. So cheerful and sweet.

I walked through the university campus with a long face and no desire to do anything. Typical Mondays. I was looking for Nora, but Matt crossed my path to add more torture to the day.

"Now what, Matt?" I asked grumpily.

"Aren't you glad to see me?" He smiled.

"What kind of question is that?" I let out a nasal laugh, not in the mood to talk to him.

"I'm still waiting for you to tell me where the photo from the book is."

"The one you stole from me?" I raised an eyebrow. "Besides, why do you want the photo? I don't understand."

"It's a memory," he said somewhat seriously. "And I want it back."

I let out a short sarcastic laugh.

"Why? Do you forget that you cheated on me with her?"

"Just give me back the photo," he asked annoyed.

"I find it absurd that you want that memory back."

"I loved you, Heather," he said frustrated, running his hand through his hair.

"And you made that very clear, Matt," I said sarcastically.

"But you didn't love me," he ignored what I said and continued. "You didn't love me, Heather."

I remained silent, looking at him.

I didn't say anything because it was true.

"I wasn't ready to start something, but I wanted to try. And what did you do?" Matt was about to say something, but I continued: "Find someone else, did you say you loved me? I don't think you know what that means then."

"Heather," he clenched his jaw.

"Don't ask me for the photo anymore, because I threw it in the trash. You should do the same with that memory." I gave him one last look before starting to walk away. "Don't talk to me again."

"Wait, I'm not done talking, Heather Scott." I felt him grab my arm quickly and a little forcefully to stop me and turn me around.

"I'm done talking, idiot." I kicked his leg, causing him to bend over in pain and let go of me. Matt was cursing, and I took the opportunity to leave.

I couldn't believe I had dated him.

This Monday couldn't get any worse; I was in a bad mood walking through the hallways when my phone rang with a new message.

HotSugarCube: Look what I found, little writer.

And he sent me a photo of him with a flower. It was an anemone. I instantly smiled because he held the flower next to his cheek. Why did Kalem exude so much tenderness?

HotSugarCube: Do you know what the anemone means?

Heathernatic: That you miss me.

I replied to the message without hesitation. I had done a good job researching a character I had written for a story.

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