Rules for the Retired Countries: A List

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Specific rules apply to dead countries to prevent them from interacting with/accidentally messing with the modern world. Here:

1. Dead countries are allowed to court/date other dead countries (no alive countries), but they aren't allowed to marry. This also applies to pre-existing relationships, where countries married while they were alive aren't allowed to divorce in the afterlife. Rip AE for being permanently stuck with KOH

2. Not really a rule, but dead countries are also called "retired countries," since they aren't really dead (they can still interact with the living countries and objects in the living world). They are more-so just "out of commission," and although they can interact with living countries and objects in the living world, they cannot interfere with political events and political matters in the living world. So, retired countries can't perform any country duties but can still act as regular people (getting jobs in the living world, etc.). I know this was a lot of repetition, I'm sorry :'( I do that when I want to get a point across

3. Retired countries cannot procreate/have children when retired, because if they did have children that would fuck up a lot of stuff in the living world and just doesn't really make sense. So.

4. Some dead countries are present at the yearly UN General Assembly, but aren't allowed to suggest any ideas/speak to the modern countries about any living world issues, as to not influence their decisions (Third. 😒).

5. Dead countries do have human forms that they still can use, and also are required to carry fake ID's with fake personal information.

6. UN allows the retired countries to get jobs (like the living countries) in the human world, but restricts them from certain jobs that may reveal too much of their identity, interfere with the rule about messing with current events, and jobs that they just shouldn't do because it would raise suspicion. For example, they're restricted from any government positions (president, diplomat, etc.), military positions (because they literally can't die. Someone's going to ask about it.), and any spy agency stuff (Intelligence Service, CIA, FBI, etc.). There are a lot more they can't do, these are just some :>

7. If they ever travel anywhere by plane/any public transportation, they have to travel with a living family member. Ex. The Germans have to travel with Germany, the Koreans have to travel with either South or North Korea. They can also travel with cities. This is for safety, and so they have someone to do the talking for them. Some of the empires have no fucking idea how the modern world works, and if they ask any stupid questions, people will get suspicious-

8. Retired countries can't own places. As in, they can't own a store, they can't own a café, they can't own the house they live in. The alive countries of the family own the house, and if there are no alive countries within the group, UN's name would be put on the documents.

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