silly hc dump #1

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Yeah so these are less serious hc's that are more about the countries' personal lives, what they do in their free time, hobbies, etc. than worldbuilding and explanations about how things work in my AU. enjoy :3

1. UN likes to listen to and dissociate to specific kinds of music (very specifically 'Cute Circus' by Tsundere Twintails, please go take a listen, I'll link it up in this chapter too). This seems like a very UN song and I can't explain why.

2. Based off some random tiktok I watched, A-H consistently and constantly takes GE out to the supermarket at like midnight/late at night to buy food. Will just drag him out of bed, and pull him to the supermarket to buy food and cook cacio e pepe with the pasta they bought at 12:42 A.M. And then eat ice cream. GE doesn't mind, he won't sleep either way. they're kind of a weird pair but meh.

3. Going off of the last canon, a lot of countries are there at the same time as A-H and GE, specifically countries in Asia since they have wildly different timezones compared to America. As mentioned before, the countries stay together in certain countries, usually and most likely will always be the USA, because author has the most experience writing about the USA and also it seems pretty suitable to have a shit ton of people living there so.... Most countries are only used to their timezone, so it's taken them awhile to get used to the US timezones. They still sometimes run errands late at night, because it's simply more practical.

4. Based off of canon 1, UN does have sessions where he just listens to music with ASEAN and AU (African Union), as well as WHO, UNESCO, UNICEF, and the rest of those organizations/his family (as the fandom likes to call it). EU and NATO aren't invited because they're way too loud and energetic. Not a bad thing. It can just get to be a little too much sometimes. UN will invite countries occasionally, but it's almost always just Switzerland and Finland. And maybe one of the empires. I like UN a lot, and I want to make more UN canons.

5. Indonesia is the type of athlete to fall during practice and just lie there. Staring up at whatever is above him and just relaxing. Until he gets yelled at to get back up lol

6. Finland is really chill in terms of personality, although a lot of countries think the complete opposite for some reason. He's just a guy who likes to knit. And bake. And do winter sports. That's about it. He likes rock music tho.

7. Fun fact that my UN used to be female instead of male- but I eventually changed it, I like male UN better for some reason. I've been thinking a lot about female UN tho, and I would like it better if I had two UN's, one female one male, but that doesn't make sense so I can't.

8. I don't think the organizations are supposed to have genders, they just ended up determining genders for themselves based off of their knowledge of the gender stuff.

9. Germany's family is thought to be super scary because of their history, but most of the empires slowly get less violent after they die because there's honestly no point in trying to be violent. They know that, and they accept that they're dead now and aren't able to do anything involving current world affairs. Of course, some countries (ahEM) still are violent anyway... but that's beside the point.

10. The empires also like to find fanfics about themselves to see how people portray them. Soviet, Third, JE, and FI have made a vow to stop reading fan fiction about themselves. So have GE and A-H. Prussia and RE are getting there. They've seen too much. Most of the older empires are kinda pissed that there's barely anything about them.

sorry this was kinda short :'3 

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