List of Current Human Names

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Guys I'd like to say that this is not the official full list. The countries on this list are just countries that I felt like doing a name thing for. I am aware I did not cover a lot of countries, and this will be updated from time to time.

If I get some of the naming technicalities wrong, I apologize, and please correct me. The Syrian and Mongolian names specifically

Listed in alphabetical order of last names, Syria put at the bottom bc his name is complicated. Same last name? Sorted in alphabetical order by first name

Teutonic Order - Adelina Adler

Reich - Anton Adler

Germany - Dresden Adler

German Empire - Hans Adler

Prussia - Leonard Adler

Weimar Republic - Mark Adler

France - Josephine Alarie

Brazil - Estevão Amorim

Poland - Emil (Serafin) Kamiński

Russian Empire - Alexander (Aleksandr) Petrov

Estonia - Merike Petrov

USSR - Mikhail Petrov

Georgia - Revaz Petrov

Russia - Vladimir Petrov

Japanese Empire - Anzu Suzuki

Japan - Kazuko Suzuki

Canada - Declan Taylor

UK - Devin Taylor

America - Jacob Taylor

New Zealand - Kaia Taylor

Australia - Theodore (Theo, Teddy) Taylor

Mongolia - Naran Temujingiin

*People from/living in Mongolia, from what I have read, do not have surnames. They have something called patronymic names, which is when their "surname" is their father's given name. The -giin or -yn suffix is added to the end of it, to make it "child/son/daughter of... (given name)." This is why Mongolia's "surname" is Temujingiin.

Ghana - Kofi Twumasi

Hungary - Andre Weiss-Virág

Austria - Luka Weiss-Virág

Austria-Hungary - Sebastian Weiss-Virág

Mongol Empire - Temujin Yesuigiin

*Same goes for Mongol. He's unsure of who his father was, so instead of a patronymic name it's a matronymic name, meaning he has his mother's first name instead of his father's first name. I wasn't sure if the suffix for female names are different than male names, I know they sometimes are, but I couldn't find it, so I just went with the same suffix.

Syria - Mazen bin Aras/Mazen Aras/Mazen Aras Al-Daher

*Syrian names are almost the same as Mongolian names, from what I researched. Instead, they have pretty much 4 names. The formatting goes like this, (first name) (father's first name) (grandfather's first name) (family name). So for Syria here, I put 3 variations of his name. I couldn't find out who his grandparent was so I only put Assyria's (Syria's dad) first name. Mazen is Syria's first name. Aras is Assyria's first name. Putting 'bin' in  front of Aras just makes it mean "son of Aras." So sometimes it would be, (first name) bin (father's first name) bin (grandfather's first name) (family name), although without the 'bin' is fine too, I guess. Al-Daher is Syria's family name. 

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