16 - Aftermath

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After meeting with Chris, I came home slightly depressed. I had said what I needed to say, at least I hoped I did, I kind of blacked out a little bit.

When I got home and really thought about meeting Chris, I knew it was time but now I wasn't sure. I called Chad to talk to him and he was busy. I didn't feel like calling Scott since I knew Chris was talking to him.

I crawled into bed when I got home and just cried myself to sleep. Chris was gone, I said goodbye and maybe I did mean for good, to be out of my life forever.

I slept all night and never felt more relaxed when I woke up. I washed my face and then headed into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee.

As I stood and waited for my coffee pot to brew, I heard the front door open.

"You awake?" Hollie called out.

"Waiting for coffee to brew. You want a cup?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." Hollie said scrolling on her phone as she walked into the kitchen. I pulled out another coffee mug and then started pouring us coffee.

When I slide hers across the counter she didn't even look up from her phone.

"Something must be really interesting in your phone." I grumbled taking a sip of coffee.

"Yeah you are actually. Tell me something, did you really think a baseball hat was going to hide your face?!" Hollie asked looking up at me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Yesterday, when you and Chris met up. Did you think no one would notice?! I mean we are in LA!" Hollie said.

"Who noticed?!" I asked.

"It's all over the gossip's sites Frankie! They are adding it with the clip of you saying you don't know each other and then it shows the photos of you and Chris talking and hugging."  Hollie handed me her phone and I scrolled through it.

Every gossip page had pictures of us talking and the hugs. One person was even at a good angle to get Chris kissing my cheek when we went to leave.

I handed Hollie back her phone.

"Not to mention the calls I have been fielding all morning wondering if you and Chris are a couple and just been trying to keep it a secret."

"Hollie, you can't say anything." I said and she nodded.

"I know, I wasn't planning on it. I needed to make sure you were okay though." Hollie said and I shrugged.

"I mean it was hard talking to him. I said what I needed to, but I didn't know the emotional toll it would take on me. I think after yesterday it's just a full on goodbye to Chris." I explained.

I felt tears pricking my eyes again. Hollie came around the kitchen island and hugged me.

"It's okay. It was time. It needed to be done." I said and Hollie nodded.

"So, no more heartbreak songs?" Hollie chuckled and I smiled.

"Not about him anyway." I smiled.


I was sitting in my living room. Hollie had left and I was just trying to write but nothing was coming to me. I had some melodies, but it was time for new music Frankie.

My cellphone started vibrating on the coffee table and I was going to ignore it but when it cut off, it just started again. My parents had been calling all day having seen the pictures and I just didn't want to get into this with them right now.

When it started reuniting for a 3rd time I looked and saw it wasn't my parents, I sighed and answered.


"Hey Frankie." Chris said.

"What do you want Chris?" I asked.

"Have you seen the pictures?" Chris asked.

I rolled my eyes.

"You really thought I made it the entire day and hadn't seen them yet?" I asked.

"I didn't know if Hollie showed you." Chris said and I groaned.

"Yeah, she did. I woke up and she showed up to show me." I said.

"What are you planning on doing about it?" Chris asked.

"What do you mean what am I planning to do about it? I plan to ignore it, Chris. It will go away and blow over in a few days." I said.

"Frankie, you are the one who said we didn't know each other and then there we were having coffee, you have to say something!" Chris snapped.

"Why?! Why do I have to cater to everyone else?! I'm doing what's best for me, ignoring it is what's best for me. You want to make a statement and tell everyone how you fucked me over, literally, you go right ahead." I snapped back.

There was silence, I heard Chris thinking unsure of what he wanted to say or do.

"Can I come over?" He boldly asked.

"What?!" I asked.

"Listen, you got to say what you wanted yesterday but I didn't get a chance to..." Chris trailed off causing me to laugh.

"You don't get a say in this Chris! You did this to me! You made me the way I was! Now that you have had a night to think you want to meet up so you can attack me?" I asked.

"Attack you?! Frankie if I wanted to attack you, I could have told Jimmy Fallon you were lying, and we knew each other. I have kept this secret, but I just want a chance to speak my mind..." Chris said. "Please." he pleaded as I stayed silent.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and took a deep breath regretting everything I was about to do, "Fine. I'll text you my address. Buzz the gate when you get here." I said and hung up.

I was a push over, such a push over, this could only end badly.


I hung up the phone and looked at Scott who was sitting on my couch.

"How did that go?" Scott asked.

"Well, I'm on my way over there now." I said as a text came through with her address.

Scott just sighed, "Don't screw this up Chris."

"I don't plan on it Scott but she got to say everything she wanted to, I should get the same curtesy."

"No, you shouldn't, what she had to say is YEARS in the making!"

"Yeah, well maybe I have somethings to say that are years in the making too." I said.

"Whatever you say Chris but I can just see you fucking this up all over again." Scott said. I ignored him. I went to my room and even though I knew it was playing dirty I put on the cologne I knew Frankie always loved me to wear. I don't know why I was doing this but I was going to do what I could to make her listen to me.

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