How I Miss You

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"I'm scared T," Abi says as they are about to walk into where the band is staying. Taylor bends down and grabs the kids' hands, "Hey, they are going to love you, trust me." She nods and he gets up to open the door and leads her inside. Inside, two boys are jamming out, so Taylor and Abi walk behind them and get on the drum kit. Taylor puts Abi on his lap and gives her a stick, keeping the other, "Everlong, from If everything could ever be this real forever". The girl nods, recognizing the song by the sound of guitars in the room. Taylor counts her in "3...2...1..." Abi starts playing the easy part of the music with one stick on drums she can reach, leaving the difficult parts and the drums she can't reach to Taylor. The band members turn around still playing, smiling at the sight of Taylor and the girl. After they finish the song, one of the guys playing guitar stands in shock, but the other, Dave, comes straight to his best friend and the brunette on his lap. "Hey, you must be Abi, I'm Dave. You rock at the drums. You must have a great teacher," Abi smiles up at the brunette before turning to Taylor, "Yes I do". 

After Nate gets introduced, Dave speaks up to the kid again, "Do you have a favorite part of a song to play on the drums B?" Abi looks up to Taylor as if asking for permission and he nods with a massive smile on his face, Dave's using a matching nickname. Taylor and Dave call each other T and D, Abi and Taylor call each other T and B, and now Abi has gotten a nickname with them both. "The start of the drums in Smells Like Teen Spirt by Nirvana," Dave smiles at the girl, "So you're a Nirvana girl?" Dave says looking between Taylor and the girl grinning, "Taylor has taught you well I see." Taylor smiles at Dave before turning to Abi, "He is the drummer from Nirvana, that's his drumming you love so much." Abi's jaw drops to the floor, "She looks up to you Dave. Sometimes I think she likes your drumming more than mine," Taylor chuckles. Dave smiles, knowing that as this girl gets older, he and her will have so much fun, either with Taylor or making a mess for Taylor. "Go look at my other drums and have a go at them," Dave says pointing to a set in the corner. Abi's face lights up and she runs straight over to the Drum set, a little dust covering them. Taylor looks in utter disbelief, "I'm not even allowed to touch those!" Taylor whines and Dave and Nate laugh at Taylor's dramatic reaction. "Do you want me to cut you up some apple B?" Abi nods, smiling at Dave. Dave looks towards her while he leaves, he knows her but can't figure out how.

By now Abi has settled in around the two boys, and Taylor loves it because he was worried his friends' over-the-top personalities would scare her. Dave turns to Taylor and continues the topic of the kid, "What's her full name then T?" Dave says while laughing, "You have told us all these cool things about her, and more of how you grew up around her mother and father but have completely avoided her name." Taylor hesitates and looks to the ground. Dave looks concerned and waits for the blonde to answer. "Her middle name is Taylor, same as me," Taylor says, slightly avoiding the question about her last name. Nate and Dave smile finding it awesome how she shares a name with him. Taylor looks towards Dave and notices how he has been acting slightly different since he started learning about Abi, "Dave what's up?" He drags on his smoke, "She just heavily reminds me of someone. I see me, I see you, Taylor, but someone else is there." Taylor knows who he sees, he sees Kurt Cobain. He sees his old best friend. As soon as Taylor started hearing stories of him from Dave, he was careful not to talk about Abi's last name or things she had done. He purposely only referenced her as a kid he knew. Yes, she acts like Dave and Taylor, but only a small amount compared to how much like Kurt Cobain she is. His family noticed it too, just by the little they knew about him they saw it. Taylor knew if she ever got into music like himself, Kurt would come up a lot. The guys had gone quiet, so Taylor broke the silence, "Fuck dude, uh, she has no known connections to him, but her last name is Cobain." Dave's eyes flicker between Taylor and Abi, in shock and awe. Dave couldn't believe it. He knew Kurt believed in reincarnation but never believed alongside him, until now. He knows it isn't his dead best friend on the drums, but because of how similar they are he knows he will do anything for the girl. "D? Are you ok?" Taylor asks Dave, concerned because he is just staring at Abi now. "Yeah, I'm good T. She can stay as long as she wants, and she's more than welcome wherever we go," Dave says smiling at Taylor.

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