See You

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Taylor wakes up in fright, hearing what he believes to be screams from Abi's room. The scream echoes throughout the house again so he wakes Dave with a massive hit to the chest, "What the fuck was that for!" Dave half yells. Abi screams out again, yelling for help. Dave sits up with a snap and sees Taylor already at the doorway. They get to her room and see Abi rolling around in her covers. Taylor rushes to her bed, his hands hesitating over her, "Abi?" she doesn't reply. He has dealt with her nightmares before, but never ones as bad as this. Normally she wakes up to her name. She used to get them before her mother passed and before anything bad happened, but recently they have become so much worse. He turns to Dave, looking for some support. Dave gives him a nod, his eyes scanning over Abi and Taylor. He goes to shake Abi but jumps back when she screams out again, "NO! PLEASE!" Taylor freezes so Dave rushes to Abi. He has dealt with nightmares like these with Kurt. Sometimes he would have to wake him up from nightmares like this when they stayed together. Dave shakes her awake and her eyes spring open. Abi panics and jumps back from him, "Shh, shh, shh. It's me, you're ok!" Dave says, his hands staying up to show he isn't going to hurt her. Abi realizes it's him and lunges into the safety of Dave's arms and starts to cry, "You're okay," he whispers hugging her close as Taylor begins to untense. Dave turns his head to Taylor; he knows how scary it was when he first had to shake Kurt awake and can't imagine how hard it must be for Taylor. 


"Abi? Kiddo, you have to open your eyes!" Abi rolls over and ignores the voice, thinking it's Taylor or Dave trying to wake her up for the drive home. "Abi, come on! I'm trying to help you!" She rolls over and slowly tries to open her eyes. When she does, she is met with a face she doesn't recognize immediately but has seen in dreams. She jumps back into the wall her bed is against and screams. The blonde stands up and steps away from the bed, keeping his hands in her view and trying to tell her to be quiet. "Abi, shhh! You're okay, trust me." She tries to calm herself down, finding the face more similar by the second and feeling like she has known him forever. She glances behind the guy and figures out who he is, "Kurt?" The guy nods turning to face the poster of himself behind him, "I'm here to help you." She relaxes and comes away from the wall, dangling her feet over the edge of her bed. She stares at him for a second, his hands still up. "But you're dead?" she says and stands up. "This isn't exactly real," he says, lowering his hands and kneeling in front of Abi. She tilts her head and furrows her brows, "What?" Kurt sighs, "Let me explain."

"You have the same problem as me, and I am so sorry. You're going to grow up and never hear the end of how similar you are to me. Although you will get told how we are almost the same person, never go down the same path as I did." Kurt looks up to the girl, hesitating to go on. "Our brains have something 'wrong' with them, they make things feel real even when they aren't. This also however allows us to have dreams like this. You weren't meant to experience them this young, I started in my late teens. These dreams will happen almost every night, sometimes they could be terrifying, and sometimes not. I will help you through these dreams because you have to wake up from them." Abi looks into Kurt's eyes, trying to take this all in, "What happens if I don't wake up?" Kurt signs, looking down to the ground, "For now, let's just say it's not something good." He looks back up to Abi and she nods. "I never had dreams as life-like as this either. I had crazy out their dreams with the same theme and sometimes setting. Yours, however, they are real."

Kurt lets the girl take everything in for a minute until a crash comes from somewhere else in the house. He grabs the girl from under her arms and lifts her to her feet and off the bed, "We have to go." Abi grabs Kurt's hand and he leads her out of the bedroom. They sneak towards the front door, passing the room where Taylor and Dave are meant to be. Abi looks into the room and stops dead in her tracks. Kurt tugs on her arm before realizing. He turns around and sees the girl's mouth hung wide open and her eyes locked on something in the room. He backs up and looks inside, seeing Dave and Taylor fighting like rabid animals. He tries to pull Abi's arm again, but she's stuck to the ground. He starts to panic and looks at her feet, vines made of cement start wrapping around her legs. Kurt grabs her chin and pulls her gaze away from the two boys fighting, "Abi, this isn't real." Abi's eyes beg up to Kurt, "I need to help them!" She tears up and Kurt bends down to her level, the vines starting on her knees. "Abi... You can't help them here." She nods and Kurt moves his hands to her legs, beginning to rip off the vines.

After he gets most of them off, he grabs Abi by the arms again and pulls her from the ground. He swings her legs around his torso and sprints towards the front door. Once he opens it, he puts Abi down outside. Abi looks up to Kurt, "Are you coming too?" Kurt looks around the door frame and then at the girl, defeated. "I have always been where you fall asleep, I've never left the place your body is." Abi tilts her head, not understanding. "I had someone who did what I am doing for you," he says, bending down to be at eye level with Abi. "They left the building my body was in, and I never saw them again. I don't want that to happen to you." Kurt continues, dropping his head. Abi walks closer to him, "Well how do I get out without leaving you?" Kurt sighs, knowing there isn't a way. He turns the girl around, "Get to the street and scream as loud as you can, no matter what." She slowly starts to walk off the porch, one foot after another. She stops halfway, her feet getting heavy. She looks down and her mouth drops open. Her feet are blocks of cement. She drags her feet along the ground, turning back to the house. She sees Kurt crouching in the doorway, but something seems off. She squints her eyes and sees figures coming up behind him. The outside moonlight shines on their faces and she sees who they are, Taylor and Dave. She screams out, "KURT! BEHIND YOU!" Kurt swings his head around and the two manic boys grab him, lifting him to his feet by his throat. Abi tries to run, but her feet are stuck. She is useless, she can't save him, yet she still tries. The boys start doing something horrid to Kurt, but she can't see exactly what. She screams, trying to get the attention away from him. They don't hear her and start to dangle him outside the doorway, "NO! PLEASE!" They push him out and he falls on his back, clearly injured. The two demonic guys now turn their attention to Abi. They rush towards her. She panics and freezes up. Right before they grab her, something pulls at her, and everything goes fuzzy.


When they left that afternoon, Abi hadn't been able to rest at all. The trip home was the same as the way there, but Abi slept less. Taylor was worried that it was because something was wrong with her, "Is there something wrong? Has she seen too much loss already?" Dave looks to the backseat and sees Abi finally sleeping peacefully so he turns back to the passenger. "She has seen too much T, but nothing is wrong with her. She needs help to get through it, that's all." Taylor sinks into his seat, it has killed him these past days seeing his favorite person be in so much pain at such a young age. "But she doesn't deserve it D," Dave breathes heavily before responding, "I know T, but you can't change the past, you only make the future better." Taylor looks at Dave, he knows he is correct. "Besides, Kurt used to have similar experiences, so I will always help you with her."

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