Times Like These

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It had been just over two months since Abi's mother had died, and Taylor had been trying to make Christmas feel as normal as he could. Taylor had left Abi inside watching Arthur while he and Dave decked out the front yard of Dave's house. Abi had started helping but once the two guys had to do most of the work she went straight back into a slump. "Do you think she is going to like it?" Taylor asks his best friend. Dave has noticed how much overthinking Taylor has done, and he knows he wants every little thing to be perfect for Abi. "She is going to love it, T, you just need to chill out a bit." Dave gives Taylor a sympathetic look, he hates seeing him so worried.

Taylor and Dave finish the final touches before heading inside to the kid, "Hey B, we're back!" Dave calls out while walking inside, closely followed by the blonde. The girl gives them a weak smile before turning back to the TV. "Are we fucking up here D? What if she doesn't like anything we are doing?" Taylor whispers to Dave, starting to spiral. "T, calm down. She is going to love it, she is probably overwhelmed." Taylor backs up, taking a deep breath to make himself look calmer than he is for Abi. The two walk over to the couch and settle down next to Abi. 

When Dave notices it is dark outside, he pulls himself off the couch and holds a hand out for Abi, "Would the Princess like to see the pretty lights T and I put up?" Abi jumps up from the couch, grabbing Dave's hand and holding her other hand out for Taylor, "T, T, T! Come on!" Taylor chuckles and grabs onto Abi, acting like she is pulling his whole weight off the couch. The three head out the front and Dave lifts Abi onto Taylor's shoulders so she can see the roof. The brunette stares in awe, her jaw wide and her fingers entangled in the blonde's hair. Taylor looks at Dave, tears resting in his eyes and a massive smile across his face. Dave can tell that some of the tears are from the little hands holding a tight grip on his hair, but most are tears of joy. Dave leaves the two out the front and heads inside to set up a Christmas tradition Taylor said that Abi's mother used to do. He loved seeing how happy Abi could be and hated how much pain she had already had to go through.

Taylor and Abi finally head inside to see Dave in the kitchen holding multiple boxes of cake batter. "Who wants to make Christmas Cookie Cakes!" he yells dancing around the kitchen. Abi looks up at Taylor, "You remembered?" Taylor stares down at the kid. Her mother used to buy cake batter to make Christmas cookies instead of actual cookie batter cause Abi liked the taste of them better, "Of course I did! Christmas is not Christmas without cookie cakes!" Abi's eyes light up even more as she rushes into the kitchen to Dave, and he lifts her onto the bench. Taylor chucks him a different top from the back of the couch, "Change her into this one! That one is new, and oh my god will it get stained!" Dave chuckles and helps Abi change her top.  Taylor walks over to the record player and puts on Dave's Top Christmas Hits record. The two dance around the kitchen while Abi dances on the bench, getting so much batter in their hair and clothes.

By the end, Dave somehow had the most in his hair, which made Taylor and Abi laugh because he had the shortest hair. Abi however had the most on her face, with multiple different colours of dyed cake batter all over her. "You were smart to change her top T," Dave chuckles, smiling at the blonde, "That I was Dave." Taylor reaches onto the table and lifts Abi to the ground, "Come on kiddo, let's get you cleaned up hey?" The girl nods and starts to go to the bathroom, Taylor following behind trying not to laugh. Dave smiles but then realizes what he's up to, "You know you have to help clean this too right?" Dave says, more as a statement than a question. "Nah Dave, I've got to sort out Abi. Have fun though!" Dave groans sarcastically before giggling, he knew this was coming, Taylor never liked cleaning up the messes he helped make.

After Taylor puts Abi to bed and both boys have showered, Taylor crashes next to Dave on the couch. They sit quietly before Dave breaks the silence, "Are you taking her home to yours before Christmas?" Taylor waits before giving Dave a small nod and taking a deep breath, "I'm worried D, what if she can't handle seeing the house she grew up in, where she found her mother dead!" Taylor was holding back tears now, and the brunette could tell. He reaches for Taylor's hand and holds it, "As long as she has you, she can get through anything." After a little, Dave gets up, "We should get some sleep." Taylor nods and stands up with him, "Oh no Taylor, you're on the sofa, not in my fucking bed tonight!" Taylor groans and Dave gives Taylor's chest a little nudge and he falls back onto the couch. Dave reaches into the linen closet and chucks a duvet and pillow at him. "Goodnight, T," "Goodnight."

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