I Should Of Known

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On the Foo Fighters One by One tour in North America, in 2002, Taylor sent Abi backstage to go and get some more schoolwork. He sent her alone like he normally would because he was about to go on and it was not that far. When she was heading off, the sun had already set but the stage lighting lit the path enough to see where to go. Abi sees a man following her, so she rushes into the room where the band was staying before they had to go to the stage and grabs her books from the bench.

When she leaves, she can't see the man anymore, but she still tries to walk unsuspiciously fast back to the stage. Before she could get far away, he grabbed her, only a few feet from the room. He throws Abi's books in the mud and tries to force himself on her, undoing her clothes and feeling her up. She screams out for help, but he puts a muddy hand over her mouth as something cold slips into her vagina. He tries to break her seal but gets spooked when another member from a different band comes looking for her. "Abi! Abi! Where are you? Taylor is worried!" The man jumps away from Abi and sprints in the other direction. The man who came looking for Abi sees the man run and then sees Abi on the ground. He sprints towards her, bending down to her level once he gets there and wrapping his jacket around her, "Abi, oh my god, are you ok?" The girl starts bawling her eyes out and flings her arms around the guy. "Taylor is so worried about you, let's get you to him." The girl shakes her head, "He's going to hate me!" The guy's eyes widen, he has no idea how she could think that Taylor could ever hate her, especially for something that wasn't her fault. The whole music world knows he would go through anything for this girl. "Abi, he will not go on stage until he knows you are safe. There is no way he would be mad at you, for anything." 

Once they get back to the stage, they hear Taylor arguing with a manager, "I AM NOT GOING ON UNIL I SEE ABI!" they turn the corner to see Taylor being semi-pushed onstage but standing his ground. Taylor turns around and notices Abi walking towards him, clinging to the guy he sent to find her. He runs to them, pushing past everyone trying to stop him. When Taylor reaches the girl he pulls her into him, running his hand through the crying girl's hair. "I thought you were gone Abi. I thought I had failed at keeping you safe!" Taylor sniffles into Abi's dirty shoulder, squeezing her tighter than before. "You have to go on stage T, I'll be okay," Abi says, trying to hide the shakiness in her voice. Taylor gives her one last squeeze before heading off to perform, he doesn't want to leave her, but he knows he needs to and that she will be okay until he can fix it. 

When the band gets to where they are staying Taylor helps Abi get cleaned up and sends her to stay with Dave for a little. Taylor then calls his parents and collapses down on the bed in defeat. He leans over and dials his home number, "Taylor Hunny?" his mother answers, "Hey ma, can we talk? I fucked up with Abi." Taylor tells his mother what happened while on the verge of tears, thinking about how stupid he could be to let Abi get hurt. He loved her more than anything and hated seeing her even the slightest bit upset. "Taylor, you had no reason to think that she was going to get hurt going the same distance away from the stage she does in nearly every country," Taylor's mother sighs. "Have you gone to the police yet sweetheart?" Taylor sniffles, "She begged me not to ma!" 

Taylor stays on the phone with his parents for 15 more minutes before having to go, "I gotta go ma, but how do I help her through this?" Taylor waits for an answer, he can hear the deep breaths from his parents through the phone. "You just got to do what you have been doing since you met her, even since you met her mother. You have to love her, love her through this Taylor."

Taylor exits his room and sees Dave and Abi playing with cards. "Look who it is B!" Dave says pointing towards Taylor standing behind the girl. Abi jumps up, throwing the cards she is holding right in Dave's face while running straight into the arms of Taylor. Dave admires from the floor, he loves seeing how happy Abi gets around Taylor, even if she just assaulted him with at least half a deck of playing cards. "Let's go to bed B. You can sleep with me tonight if you'd like?" Abi nods into Taylor's stomach, squeezing him before heading to bed. When Taylor finally follows Abi into bed, the girl snuggles into him, eventually falling asleep on his chest. Taylor lays for a bit, thinking about how to help the girl before falling asleep himself. Dave takes advantage of this and snaps a photo of the two before going to bed himself, "I love them so much, but Taylor is going to kill me if this photo gets out" Dave says to absolutely no one. 

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