I'll Stick Around

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Abi had slept in the same bed as Taylor for the past week after getting assaulted backstage, and she hasn't had a Dream since. However, the boys have been asked to go out late to a bar by another band and Abi must be put to bed before they go. Taylor wanted to turn it down but after Dave told him it would change their lives, he agreed to go.

"Do you want to sleep in my bed while we are out?" Taylor asks Abi who is sitting on her bed, hesitating to get in. "B?" Taylor asks, worried because she isn't responding again. Abi looks up at Taylor and nods, "Yes please." Taylor puts out his hand and she takes it while climbing off her bed. The two walk together to the other bed and Taylor pulls back the covers, "Can I sleep on your side instead T?" Abi looks up at Taylor, and he can tell she is knacked, "Of course B." He pulls the covers off his side and Abi climbs in. Taylor tucks her in and calls out for the band to say goodnight. She nestles into the bed as the boys come up one at a time, "Goodnight Abi, sleep tight" Nate says, running a hand through her hair and squeezing her nose slightly. Chris then comes up and leans down to kiss her nose, "Night kiddo, I love you." Taylor smiles as Dave walks over to her. The boys usually said goodnight to her like this, but they were going slightly over the top to make her feel safe. Dave crouches down to be at eye level with Abi and runs a hand through her hair, "I love you Abi. We will be back before you know it." Abi giggles and Dave lays a kiss on her nose before standing up. Taylor walks over to Abi and kisses her forehead, "I will be back as soon as I can, I love you." Abi smiles and relaxes into the bed, "I love you too Taylor." Taylor waits a few minutes before getting up, watching Abi drift off to sleep as he runs his hand through her hair. After she's asleep Taylor gets up and walks out of the hotel room with the guys, looking back to Abi before closing the door. "She will be okay," Dave says, grabbing Taylor's shoulder to comfort him. "I hope so," he sighs.


"Abi! Come on kiddo wake up!" Kurt yells at Abi, shaking her slightly. "T, let me sleep." Kurt furrows his brows and leans away from Abi, "It's Kurt? The dead one?" Abi jolts up and smiles at Kurt, happy to see him after a week. "Kurt! I've missed you!" Abi jumps into his arms and snuggles into his neck. The two stay together for a bit before Abi pulls away, "How long do we have?" Kurt smiles at the girl as tears form in his eyes and he sniffles to hold them back, "We should be safe tonight, I can't see anything abnormal" Abi smiles and relaxes back into the bed, "Anything weird since you left?" Kurt tilts his head and then drops it. The first time Abi had one of these dreams, he told her he was going to die if he left, and he was made to leave. He felt so bad since she woke up before seeing that everything was normal. Every time she saw him now, she would ask if he was okay. "Nothing involving me Abi. We found out I could do anything, remember?" Abi nods and jumps back into Kurt's arms as tears pour from her eyes.

After what was like forever of just letting Abi cry into his arms, he pulls away and asks her a question, "What happened a couple of nights ago?" Abi turns her head away and doesn't answer. Kurt nudges her, "I know what happened Abs, it replays in your head, doesn't it?" Abi bursts into tears again and falls her face to her hands. "I didn't mean to! I was only getting my books!" Abi cries out and Kurt pulls her in, "Abi no, of course you didn't mean it. It wasn't your fault." She cries into his chest before almost falling asleep. "Before you sleep, I only want you to know I will always be here for you. As you get older, we might be able to work out a way for it to be like this more often, and not trying to survive." Abi snuggles into Kurt's chest, "I love you" Kurt pulls her closer, "I love you too."


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