The One

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The Band was searching for a new band member after Franz left. Abi wasn't Franz's biggest fan, he was nice and all, but he wasn't there when she met the band for the first time. So, after she bonded with Nate and Dave, Franz seemed like an outsider to her. Nonetheless, Nate, Dave, Taylor, and Abi were all holding open auditions for a new guitarist but so far, the boys hadn't been blown away by anyone. The only one anyone had found funny was the one who had brought a brand-new guitar and case, but they ended up having it locked so he couldn't get it out. While the poor boy was struggling, Abi was trying so hard not to laugh, she was turning purple.

After a while of auditions, a guy called Chris Shiflet came in and everyone had to pretend they didn't love him. Chris played some riffs and then stayed and played with the guys for longer than any other contender. While the guys are talking business, Chris comes over to Abi sitting on the floor playing with drumsticks. "Hey kiddo, what's your name?" Taylor and Dave's heads spin around, soon followed by a preoccupied Nate. She looks slightly to the side for reassurance from Taylor and receives a smile and a nod, "I'm Abi." Chris smiles and sits down cross-legged with his guitar in his lap. "Have you ever tried guitar Abi?" She nods, "You want to have a go at mine?" He hands Abi the guitar, resting it in her lap. She takes the pick from his open hand and starts doing things Dave had been teaching her. Dave, Nate, and Taylor continue talking for about 5 minutes before calling Chris over. Abi hands Chris back his guitar and he helps her up. Dave is the first to speak, "Hey dude, we loved jamming with you today, we will keep you posted!" Chris says his thank you and goodbyes and then heads off.

After packing up, Dave and Taylor come over to Abi and ask what she thought of him. "I thought he was pretty cool," she tells the two while a smile grows across her face. They both turn to each other with grins from ear to ear, the fact that Abi liked the guy was a good sign, and the only thing they needed to know before they considered Chris.

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